快好知 kuaihz

1 Paddy's words had a startling effect on the children. 2 These myths have a startling likeness to one another. 3 The two visitors provided a startling contrast in appearance. 4 Her technical accomplishment on the piano is startling. 5 A startling cultural transformation occurred in post - war Britain. 6 He made some startling admissions about his past. 7 He was capable of writing things of startling originality. 8 The design is pretty startling and very boldly coloured. 9 Her skin was a startling white. 10 It is startling to read that his father never visited him in hospital. 11 The report has turned the spotlight on the startling rise in street crime. 12 She uses animal sounds to create startling effect in her music. 13 The effect was to be startling and highly visible. 14 Humanity is a startling exception to this rule. 15 Darden's examination of the witness produced no startling evidence. 16 The conclusion which is reached is quite startling. 17 Enter Bringhurst, stage left, with a startling proposition. 18 The most startling innovation was the introduction of juries. 19 A wild, startling, and often quite beautiful melange. 20 My phone rang just after eleven, so startling I broke my pencil on my notepad. 21 As she set down her cup, startling the sparrows, she thought she might even pack his belongings. 22 Her beauty was so startling that it mysteriously approached the comic. 23 The love of their country is with them only a mode of flattering its master; as soon as they think that master can no longer hear, they speak of everything with a frankness which is the more startling because those who listen to it become responsible. 24 Jane wrote a letter to a newspaper. This letter contained some startling allegations. 25 "Frankly I found it rather frightening." — "A little startling," Mark agreed. 26 He asked us to be quiet and then made a startling announcement. 27 He felt tempted to find out by inventing a number of startling discoveries made through lab tests on the chair. 28 The State of the Union address was a weighty and substantial occurence, though without startling new developments. 29 He still had enough rural conservatism to find this directness startling. 30 There's good torque for clean response and brisk pick-up after shifting gear, but high-end engine output is nothing startling.