快好知 kuaihz

91 He was a small man, with very soft, startling black hair and small regular features. 92 We proceed from A to B via a rather startling reductio ad absurdum. 93 What is startling is Pimlott's ability to create a plausible Elsinore through the simplest means. 94 On the other hand, some women were capable of the most startling changes. 95 Here's an early, and rather startling, example of the genre. 96 The one exception was her glasses, whose frames were a startling pink - perhaps an attempt to liven up her image? 97 The most startling and controversial aspect of the shooting had been the use of a Thompson sub-machine gun. 98 The sound of clothes tumbling on to the floor was a startling phenomenon, difficult to interpret. 99 And, most startling of all, it was an age when people did not kill each other. 100 Their non-media businesses included startling acquisitions such as the prestige Chateau Latour vineyard and the Royal Doulton china business. 101 It attempts, by tackling childhood thematically, across time, to stimulate new responses through sometimes startling juxtapositions of images. 102 It seems to have been a religion that was in transition, which may explain some startling contradictions or apparent contradictions. 103 The startling thing about the actor Hanks cast as Guy is how much they look like each other. 104 Sometimes relying on startling amalgams of stylistic influences, members of the Soviet vanguard mostly strived to find their own personal voices. 105 Little that is unfathomable or startling passes through the mind of a Minister preparing legislation. 106 These shy creatures may sometimes be seen and have been known to stray on to the road, startling passing motorists. 107 Many kinds of butterflies and moths perform similar startling transformations. 108 There is a startling split between men's and women's views of sexual harassment. 109 So it follows that the more startling or bizarre your murder is, within reason, the better. 110 One of the town's biggest modern factories makes a startling contrast on the opposite side of the road. 111 The Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act of 1984 had a startling impact on the state of new but troubled marriages. 111try its best to collect and build good sentences. 112 Her brother Jonna bore a startling likeness to their father; so much so that he looked like a younger version. 113 Perhaps the image is just so startling that it sticks in our minds. 114 There is the potential here for a startling garden of exotic plants. 115 The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor. 116 There has been a startling increase in the numbers of homeless people. 117 She stepped toward me, so close that for a startling instant I thought she was going to kiss me. 118 That the bulk of the first new wave of Wirral's heroin users obtained heroin from a single source might seem startling. 119 Obviously if we close up the ocean again, the resemblances would not be so startling. 120 It was an extraordinary occasion, lively, moving, startling in its diversity and with much good humour.