快好知 kuaihz

31 This is a rather startling admission from a noted tough guy. 32 The startling image of a piano encircled by a wedding ring exemplifies the notion of affinities developed by Magritte from the 1930s. 33 It provides a startling point for a discussion of the widespread belief that Richard Nixon was a brilliant maker of foreign policy. 34 This startling discovery has supported the idea that cancer develops when a cell contains too much of a perfectly normal cellular protein. 35 They will cut office overheads by startling amounts and be the new cost leaders. 36 In a more general study researching the full costs of accidents at work during 1991/92 some startling figures were revealed. 37 Goldin made his startling announcement during a press conference that was otherwise devoted to the Mars Pathfinder probe. 38 And the consequences could be even more startling, for better or for worse. 39 One of the startling omissions from the maiden speech of the hon. Member for Langbaurgh was any mention of Teesside development corporation. 40 The effect of this vision on the handful of monks returning to the monastery might seem a little startling. 41 They lit the whole of the high table, startling the prince's grave face into gaiety. 42 For several blissful seconds she abandoned herself to his kiss, and to all the incredible, startling sensations exploding inside her. 43 Even within one country the variations between states or provinces with fairly similar cultural and value systems are startling. 44 The most startling example of how that power works is the story of Anna Chennault and the 1968 election. 45 He thoroughly searched the house and came up with some startling and damning evidence. 46 Their lives take a startling turn when a friend is murdered in the local park. 47 Curtis' incipiently multiracial ideas seemed at first rather startling to some other members of the Round. 48 What's the most startling stash you've found in some one's house? 49 I am sorry my voice is so startling to you. 50 A typically startling and ambitious novel of murder and other threats. 51 It's the combination of negative factors that makes this situation so startling. 52 There were two startling things about antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria. 53 Light came flooding into the room, startling her, making her open her eyes again. 54 Why such a startling retreat from the nearly unanimous support for the free processing zone 18 months ago? 55 But giant tubeworms are 6-foot-long expletives, shouts of brilliance, startling in their vivid simplicity and exposure. 56 Meanwhile, thanks to a series of startling medical breakthroughs, his father was recovering from his debilitating strokes. 57 Her eyes were a startling violet colour that made her look incredibly strong-minded. 58 Perhaps even more startling, given the recent repressive climate, Zverev himself could also be seen working intuitively in public. 59 He could not do this with-out creating controversy, without startling the press from time to time. 60 So the debate is still raging about how to account for these startling developments.