快好知 kuaihz

31. I'm very conscious of my weight. 32. I was conscious of her presence. 33. The patient is not yet fully conscious. 34. She was very conscious of security. 35. I was hardly conscious of my surroundings. 36. I was only half conscious. 37. I was not conscious of having made a mistake. 38. Make a conscious effort to relax your muscles. 39. She remained conscious throughout the operation. 40. The driver was still conscious when the ambulance arrived. 41. Vivien had made a conscious effort to be friendly. 42. In these conservation - conscious times, areas of grassland are no longer expendable. 43. It affects the audience at a deeper, less conscious level. 44. I don't think we ever made a conscious decision to have a big family. 45. It was not a conscious choice to retreat from public life. 46. When a hypnotist puts you in a trance, you no longer have conscious control of yourself. 47. The young girl felt very self - conscious about the large mole on her chin. 48. He had no conscious memory of his four-week stay in hospital. 49. They've brought her out of the operating theatre, but she's not fully conscious yet. 50. At a conscious level, I was quite satisfied with my life. 51. She was not conscious of his presence in the room. 52. It wasn't a conscious decision to lose weight. It just happened. 53. I have to make a conscious effort to be polite so early in the morning. 54. Conscious that he was becoming light-headed again, he went over to the window. 55. Shirley was very conscious of her shortness and always wore high heels. 56. I made a conscious effort to get there on time. 57. One man was so drunk as to be barely conscious. 58. Without conscious thought, she instinctively placed a hand on his arm. 59. She was conscious that Marie was listening to every word. 60. One's conscious motives are often different from one's subconscious ones.