快好知 kuaihz

151. There are great chunks of life, after childhood, which drop out of conscious memory. 152. It is assisted by conscious intention on our part to recover balance and vibrant health. 153. The language of psychoanalysis does provide a means for communicating about conscious and unconscious emotion in such circumstances. 154. It was as independent of will and conscious choice as any other form of socially conditioned conduct. 155. Janet becomes a Tory, while Miranda grows up to be a very conscious feminist. 156. If the conscious level of the patient is affected - drowsiness, confusion, lethargy and unresponsiveness. 157. All this is accomplished through one master program. and several subroutines, and requires no conscious grasp of the problem. 158. Often it means a complete absence of thought, theory or conscious plan. 159. Neither should the inspector be too conscious of personal dignity. 160. For its part, the royal government was fully conscious of its dependence upon the pomeshchiks. 160.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 161. It would have an elite of politically conscious and publicly conscientious active citizens and a majority of couldn't-care-less passive citizens. 162. The trials and tribulations of dining out, as experienced by an environmentally conscious broadcaster. 163. The Alexander Technique is a way of directing our conscious minds in order to be more in the present moment. 164. There has obviously been a conscious decision and determination on his part to make his life a fulfilment of prophetic utterance. 165. In these environmentally conscious times, this is an uncomfortable growth industry. 166. It is a conscious experience of the door, the door, the door, the door. 167. Dylan's latest record is a conscious attempt to break away from his old image and try out a new style. 168. How can those women who do become conscious of their predicament act to change their situation? 169. He was fully conscious but his limbs, hands and feet began to carry out movements that were independent of his will. 170. This is our first error: conscious control over behaviour is generally overstated. 171. The apparently aggressive Musa, tenderly tries to keep him conscious until the ambulance arrives. 172. Patients with complete supraconal lesions lose conscious control of defecation. 173. But not all the people involved have made a conscious choice to create this unit. 174. What varies, and varies dramatically, is the conscious effort with which they are identified and undertaken. 175. In allowing life to grow in the womb, a woman is partly handing over to powers outside her conscious control. 176. When you fall forward, fully conscious or not, you put out your hands to break your fall. 177. Never am I more conscious of the tons of water that surround me. 178. Even the socially conscious Victorians allow their principles to waver on this question. 179. It can also be argued that as human beings, while engaged in decision-making, we often ignore our fully conscious preferences. 180. Throughout this book, I have emphasized that we must not think of genes as conscious, purposeful agents.