快好知 kuaihz

121. It's a conscious decision and I think it's important that men understand a woman who is offering an alternative lifestyle. 122. In reality, of course, they are the result of a long chain of conscious decision making. 123. When you make a conscious decision, it is done in the summit of the brain. 124. He was at that point of drunkenness where, acutely conscious of it, he made an effort to hide it. 125. Without conscious intention, I took her in my arms and kissed her. 126. I am conscious of the late payment problem, which is something to which we are devoting great attention. 127. When I went to collect them, the sheep seemed barely conscious and the men looked like corpses. 128. But it is undeniable that the most effective institutions of those sorts are very conscious of their markets. 129. She had never been brought face to face with her great-uncle, and never devoted any conscious thought to him. 130. They were conscious of the ups and downs of working-class agitation for political rights, the vote - and more. 131. As he spoke I was very conscious of the smile which transformed his usually impassive face. 132. Admiral Yamamoto, as supreme commander of the Fleet, was particularly conscious of this naval responsibility. 133. She may be surprised, disconcerted; she may even have had no conscious intention of getting involved with this particular man. 134. The parable of the prodigal son conveys at a conscious level a message about the need for forgiveness and acceptance. 135. For nothing can be called intrinsically valuable unless it is actually valued by some conscious being. 136. The anti-Semitism that he there encountered made him more conscious of the Jewishness that had not been particularly important to him before. 137. I had no conscious awareness of the Latin root of the name Hilary until Antonia Byatt pointed it out to me. 138. It is squarely in the scientific tradition and is a conscious attempt to apply scientific method to international relations. 139. Perhaps the particular potentials he is recording are not causally linked with the conscious experiences he is investigating? 140. They are a major and fundamental component of the system of the unconscious, as distinct from the conscious and preconscious systems. 141. On a conscious level, the evilness of stepmother and stepsisters is sufficient explanation for what happens to Cinderella. 142. We doubt if any of the men on translation committees or who did their own translations are conscious of any male chauvinism. 143. Long before there was any conscious thought of unity, there was shared experience. 144. Accepting our human limitations in these high-pressure times, though, takes conscious effort. 145. The obvious conclusion is that the complex structures must be explained in terms of the conscious states they seem developed to produce. 146. Once you've made a conscious decision to move you become more aware. 147. Only gradually did he become conscious of a commotion in the darkness beside him. 148. I was barely conscious of anything except the will to live. 149. The speaker is conscious of the addressee, and the addressee is conscious of the speaker. 150. Steven was always very conscious of his appearance, and she encouraged him to dress well.