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181. Such protestations ferment a running sore which breeds contempt for the authorities. 182. He pulled himself into the saddle, settled his sore thighs, and pushed the rifle into its holster. 183. Martin was unable to score at all in the game, complaining of a sore knee. 184. It started with a sore throat and became a week of total misery. 185. In fact Meadowell is an Elastoplast name like Sizewell, invented in the 1970s to disguise what was already a running sore. 186. After a twelve hour plane ride, my back was stiff and sore. 187. Steve Nash is nursing various aches and pains, including a sore hamstring. 188. The next thing I knew, it was dark and I was lying in the beach cold and sick and sore. 189. You stick out like a sore thumb in that ghastly uniform, Charles. 190. There is usually a painless swelling of the lymph glands which drain the area of the primary sore. 191. He recommended coral for skin troubles, sore eyes and bites, to choose a single example. 192. The matter was not carefully investigated because Thebes was in sore straits at the time. 193. But the wound was still so sore and tender that she could hardly bear to think about it. 194. The first is a surface sore which starts off as a red mark. 195. Chest very sore and tight, children may cry before they cough. 196. Billy Owens, limited to two quarters because of a sore foot, added 18 points and six assists. 197. The patient should be advised to report immediately the occurrence of easy bruising, pallor, persistent sore throat, or fever. 198. Your spirits can sore with the skyscrapers beckoning upward, upward. 199. Finally, there are plans to provide custodians a sore point to enable the churches to open for two hours a day. 200. But one summer when I was around ten or eleven I developed a nasty sore throat which the doctor thought was tonsillitis. 201. Consistent testing Implicit in the anecdote about the sore head was the need to test the utterance. 202. He was 15 and had gone to the doctor with a sore throat. 203. Such people are like a bear with a sore head. 204. Inside were two cockerels in opposite corners, sore, bald things with a vestige of feathers. 205. You have laboured up an unending hill with heavy feet which are swollen, sore and tired. 206. You can partially relieve muscles sore from coughing by giving simple pain medicine such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. 207. His sore leg was a pretext. He just wanted a day off work. 208. Her only problem was a sore throat, which made speaking difficult. 209. The corners of the mouth may be cracked and sore and the tongue unusually red. 210. If you've got a cold or sore throat, they can advise which over-the-counter medicines to take.