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271. Although its characteristic is the sore shape is small, but the root foot is hard, has like shape of the nail, the condition change is rapid, easy to create poisonously disperses evilly. 272. Ruth will be absent today. she is incapacitated by a sore throat. 273. It usually starts with a sore throat, sneezing and a runny nose. 274. Among the other areas the cold sore virus can infect are the finger (herpetic whitlow) and the eye (ocular herpes). 275. An example is slippery elm for sore throat and laryngitis. 276. I now have sore nuts due to a direct hit from a broom handle. 277. Influenza ordinarily is a respiratory illness with fever, headache, sore throat, nasal stuffiness and cough. And body aches are real common. 278. The primary clinical endpoint of the study was the evaluation of the number of patients who developed a canker sore with and without treatment.