快好知 kuaihz

211. Me and my sore back had cocktails with Butch Beausoleil. 212. His passing leaves a sore gap in his family circle and in his wider circle of friends and acquaintances. 213. A visit to the Westonbirt Arboretum with its 13,000 trees and shrubs is always a sight for sore eyes. 214. Jenkins left the game when his chronically sore knees began bothering him. 215. Four months after the show opened in October 1995, she missed 10 performances because of a sore throat and cough. 216. There's no cover, and - as happened to me - any stranger sticks out like a sore thumb. 217. My back ached, my bum was sore and my mouth caked with the rich tang of the wine. 218. Dodgers catcher Mike Piazza, who participated in the 1993 series, returned with a sore arm. 219. Her tweed skirt was soaking and its friction rubbed sore patches behind her knees. 220. This band sounds like an ulcer, a festering sore, a self-consuming but none the less exhilarating secretion of bile. 221. I discovered he was teething - the sucking made his gums sore so he could only do it for a short time. 222. During the peri-operative period pressure sore should be prevented by regular changes of position. 223. Doing so lowers the risk of waking up stiff and sore. 224. She was sore because she wasn't asked to the wedding. 225. Luch slept quietly on a pallet in the corner, her sore arm bandaged, her baby tucked safe beside her. 226. By plunging a knife into the sore spots-dependence, lack of democracy, powerlessness-the Gulf War shattered something deep within us. 227. Unused muscles can feel very sore when you start exercising. 228. Prominent projections of the bones can become sore to touch, especially the cheek bones. 229. Private Eye was indeed an extremely sore point with Branson. 230. It is still a sore point with both grandparents that neither Alice nor Henry have been baptized. 231. Me and my sore back have had several meetings now with Fielding's moneymen. 232. Anyone who suffers from rheumatism, arthritis, backache, cramp or sore joints would feel immediate relief. 233. Despite sore feet and blisters, they completed the 26 and bit miles to raise thousands of pounds for charity. 234. It took him fifteen minutes and by the end his hand was sore from all the shaking. 235. By lunchtime the next day, her eyes were so sore and swollen that she could hardly see. 236. Cormier has been limited to long-tossing so far after reporting with a sore back. 237. She missed more than ten performances that year due to a persistent sore throat and cough. 238. They would do this for hours until my neck grew sore. 239. Nurse found the worst patches around his ears where he had scratched the scalp sore. 240. It's a warm good wine; it hits some little sore spot.