快好知 kuaihz

121. Nevertheless, Clements' philosophy represents a notable extension of nineteenth-century developmental attitudes into the early decades of the new century. 122. The most notable adult victim was a prominent New York politician and Democratic candidate for the vice presidency. 123. A notable example occurs just after the fire has started in a gasoline station at Bodega Bay, near the harbour. 124. However, despite the apparent consensus, there were notable differences in style, presentation and treatment where these values were concerned. 125. One notable feature of the gold standard was that it allowed automatic adjustment to take place via changes in expenditure and output. 126. By contrast, the Justus Township standoff has been notable for the lack of any official statements. 127. City of Darkness, City of Light is a notable achievement of historical fiction, though not a flawless one. 128. This incident was notable only because it was my first seizure made on board a cutter. 129. Even some of the century's most notable achievements were presented in theological terms. 130. A notable example among many of government intervention to avoid strike action occurred in the 1954 pay negotiations. 131. The divisions which accompanied Mrs Thatcher's election to the leadership in 1975 have, with one notable exception, faded. 132. From them, mixed with redcurrants and blackcurrants, Victorine produced a notable conserve. 133. Most notable is the GHOST named Hob who haunted several of the rivers in Yorkshire. 134. After behaving with notable restraint during the election, she had been building up to this. 135. Several new milk products are being developed with this goal in mind, and there are two notable entries in the field. 136. But eventually it led to several notable improvements in the arrangements for the early detection of mental ill-health among faculty members. 137. There was a notable absence of confidence among the boys. 138. One notable exception was John Tower, the choice for defence secretary of former president George Bush. 139. Local teams compete to raise money for a notable charity. 140. Two notable and deserving successes cited by her in no way disqualify the principle of special needs. 141. A notable absentee from the Wallasey side in recent weeks has been skipper Mark Anderson who is suffering from a back injury. 142. While there are many notable exceptions,[http:///notable.html] it is fair to say that our system of public education is generally a mess. 143. He is notable for closing the usual gap between commercial and personal work. 144. There is only one notable exception to this amphibian rule and that is the extraordinary sharp-ribbed newt. 145. There were some notable exceptions; these managers will be discussed in Chapter 8. 6. 146. More notable, however, is yet another minor variation of the squat urn. 147. The case of Sacco and Vanzetti provided a notable example. 148. Anthony Coburn got the commission to write the first story by a notable stroke of good fortune. 149. John Ashworth was notable for his outstanding leadership in helping the University to overcome cuts in government funding. 150. Also notable are the animals and trees as active members of the mythic ensemble of players.