快好知 kuaihz

61. He was late, so he fabricated an excuse to avoid trouble. 62. A wilful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon. 63. If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse. 64. He used his wife's birthday as a convenient excuse for not going to the meeting. 65. I have ten thousand kinds of reasons to want to love you less now you can love an excuse. 66. Excuse my taking your umbrella by mistake. 67. He had no excuse for being so late. 68. He bleated out a feeble excuse. 69. We can excuse his behaviour as youthful exuberance. 70. He gave a lame excuse for being absent. 71. She pretended illness as an excuse. 72. Can't you invent a better excuse than that? 73. His excuse sounded a bit contrived. 74. I must ask you to excuse me. 75. Excuse me, have you got change for a pound? 76. Excuse me a moment. I'll be right back. 77. Mr Giles pleads ignorance as his excuse. 78. Excuse me, can I just get past? 79. Don't use an excuse to weasel out this job. 80. Just give him some excuse or other. 81. Please excuse me if I'm being out of line. 82. Excuse me, miss, you've dropped your umbrella. 83. Excuse me, is anybody sitting here? 84. Did I take your seat? Do excuse me. 85. Well that's the damnedest excuse I've ever heard! 86. Her excuse was barely credible. 87. I hope you'll excuse me for being so late. 88. There's no excuse for behaviour like that. 89. His conduct admits of no excuse. 90. Excuse me, but I don't think that's true.