快好知 kuaihz

91. His excuse of a prior engagement was accepted. 92. Nothing will excuse his cruelty to his children. 93. Excuse me, are these for sale? 94. Excuse me a moment, I'll be with you shortly. 95. Can't you think up a better excuse than that? 96. It was a miserable excuse for a meal. 97. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. 98. Please excuse my opening your letter by mistake. 99. I stood still, trying to invent a plausible excuse. 100. He invented an ingenious excuse for his absence. 101. She saw through his excuse at once. 102. There's no excuse for that kind of behaviour. 103. Excuse me, is this the way to the station? 104. There is no excuse for mindlessly destroying public property. 105. Solitude was no excuse for sloppiness. 106. Excuse me, I have to use the facilities. 107. Nothing can excuse his violent behaviour. 108. She cast about frantically for an excuse. 109. There's no excuse for that sort of behaviour. 110. You must excuse my father-he's not always that rude. 111. It's just an excuse for a party. 112. 'Oh excuse me.'--'I should think so too.'. 113. Excuse me, could I just squeeze past? 114. Oh, excuse me. I didn't know anyone was here. 115. I found her excuse very hard to swallow. 116. She served up the usual excuse. 117. Her stock excuse was:'I'm washing my hair tonight'. 118. Excuse me, this gentleman has a question for you. 119. Nothing can excuse such rudeness. 120. Please excuse my late arrival.