irrelevant造句121, Wage, pension, and housing were important considerations for working men with a skill irrelevant to civilian occupations.
122, If the War Crimes Act, denial law and Holocaust day were unarguably just, calculations about malign side-effects would be irrelevant.
123, The fact that we create the artwork electronically is almost irrelevant - it's the words that really count.
124, Pike, who says his legal past is irrelevant to the business venture, has been reluctant to surrender full control.
125, For most people, these side effects are minor annoyances and are irrelevant to the desired effect of mental stimulation.
126, This is not to say that power in organizations has become so diffuse and fleeting that it is irrelevant.
127, Prices in such circumstances become an administrative convenience or merely irrelevant.
128, As l have just remarked, the particular physical embodiment of an algorithm is something totally irrelevant.
129, Costs were irrelevant. Which brings me to what may turn out to be the tragedy of this election.
130, The historical context in which the evidence is acquired is irrelevant.
131, It follows that these costs are irrelevant to future decisions.
132, The fact that they controlled the company which consented to the transfer was irrelevant in the light of their dishonest appropriation.
133, Whether that is true or not is all but irrelevant, for the cardinal rule in politics is that perception is reality.
134, Geography will be irrelevant, and people on opposite sides may be living close to each other.
135, It retreats into the ghetto and dismisses the work of the historian as irrelevant to its needs.
136, For the Terrells a good many of the obvious answers are irrelevant.
137, Not only will human goodness be unable to operate effectively on such a system: it will become increasingly irrelevant to it.
138, Today, the argument goes, old-fashioned barriers separating countries, and even continents, are as irrelevant as the Berlin Wall.
139, He's completely irrelevant to my life, and he always will be.
140, Much of the work of the previous fortnight securing evidence to counter the original charge was suddenly irrelevant.
141, A testimony may be fascinating but at the same time quite irrelevant to the basic questions touching on faith and doubt.
142, But our hopes and fears are irrelevant as the train rushes on.
143, If economists did nothing but study events, they would be merely irrelevant.
144, The revolutionary intelligentsia seemed doomed to doctrinaire squabbles over increasingly irrelevant issues.
145, The Tyrrell Society and all that pining after defunct Oxford cabals - it's irrelevant, Harry, don't you see?
146, Scientists for their part have tended to consider the layman's admiration as their right and the real world as irrelevant.
147, And compared with so self-evident a need, the matter of where the money was to come from was quite irrelevant.
148, However, if functionally one is considered an unequal, ontology soon becomes irrelevant.
149, The Giral government, consisting entirely as it did of bourgeois Republicans, was increasingly irrelevant to the new situation.
150, The civil service and institutions based on this style see feeling as irrelevant in work performance.