快好知 kuaihz

181, You may get thousands of hits that are irrelevant to your question. 182, Why do you drag in such irrelevant facts? 183, Don't confuse the issue, eg by introducing irrelevant topics. 184, Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant. 185, Your gender, skin color, ethnicity will be irrelevant. 186, The actual time of the event is irrelevant. 187, Given audit procedure may only provide relevant audit evidence for some determinations and be irrelevant to other determinations. 188, Because the news feed is the stream of activity from all your "friends" you get bombarded with irrelevant information. 189, As a painter pursue not cloggy will pursue irrelevant artist as its curatorial object. 190, Although large amounts of irrelevant patterns can be removed by setting a threshold as the pattern importance degree, the final results are still very great when a huge database is faced. 191, The diel vertical migration of zooplankton was irrelevant to the phytoplankton density. 192, The new parsing process doesn't make the discussion in Part 3 irrelevant. 193, It was Swank 's judgment that he had become irrelevant. 194, Photographs can also point out the extraordinary or magical in the seemingly irrelevant, as in Bolucevschi Vitali's prizewinning image of ants poised like dancers in stellar form. 195, C. Do not use computer in matter irrelevant to working, turn off its power when off duty, periodically clean it to keep clean, neat, dustless. 196, So while the irrelevant inbound link was ignored, the outbound links still got counted, diluting the relevancy score of many websites. 197, However, it turns out that whatever currency is used for settlement is simply irrelevant to our export value. 198, The study results are irrelevant to the initial status of the network and quite approximate to the lower limit of the optimum solutions. 199, It's irrelevant to the user whether the underlying code is the same -- deposits and withdrawals are different logical operations. 200, What Modigliani and Miller said, if it's pure dividend policy, then it is totally irrelevant; it means nothing, so companies can do whatever they please-- I don't care. 201, Another feature is that the process of nucleosynthesis is determined by conditions at the start of this phase of the life of the universe, making what happens before irrelevant. 202, The distribution of waders is irrelevant to benthal biomass in the wetlands insides cofferdam. 203, Technocratic contentions to the contrary, the argument that social factors are irrelevant to the objective assessment of risk is sociologically uninformed. 204, Indeed three rows of ringside seats are filled with foreigners, all pop-eyed, but they're actually irrelevant. 205, The distribution of waders is irrelevant to benthal biomass in the wetlands cofferdam. 206, Many nervous job seekers blabber endlessly about irrelevant information. They create a poor impression and cut short the hiring manager's time for further questions. 207, Open the books, but I don't know the teacher's lips niches move in where, continue wirtting, also do not understand what is irrelevant to the dash in one. 208, Probe into the design principle of cipher systems irrelevant to computing power, design cipher systems with provable safety, and analyze the defects of existent cipher systems. 209, His skin color is irrelevant to weather he is a good lawyer. 210, And students with a primary interest in art who may have registered for courses in this condescendingly tolerated specialty found themselves confronting a perplexingly irrelevant literature.