快好知 kuaihz

91, Although we are now talking mainly about darkness, rather than light, this is not entirely irrelevant to the Lady of Light. 92, Whether the tape said to be in the possession of a national newspaper is genuine or not seemed last night almost irrelevant. 93, To regard them as a formal but irrelevant accoutrement of educational reform would be a severe managerial mistake. 94, There is, however, a clever way in which matters otherwise irrelevant may be lightly introduced. 95, The gender of a subject is treated as irrelevant, unless it is under specific investigation. 96, Correct punctuation is neither an irrelevant luxury nor a pedantic affectation: it conveys and alters exact meaning. 97, Not for the stuffy - white collars and ties are irrelevant and the atmosphere could be described as flamboyantly casual. 98, By now, an artificially cosy chat with an old school friend would have been irrelevant, even an irritant. 99, Yet one would hesitate to describe these lines as irrelevant. 100, In any event, according to Bethe, the test had become almost irrelevant by that time. 101, Let's stop talking about irrelevant issues, and get to the heart of the matter. 102, But that is an increasingly irrelevant justification for present attitudes. 103, An irrelevant monoclonal antibody, J13, to human small intestinal brush border membranes served as a negative control. 104, That the environment is not animate enough to want to communicate with us is irrelevant. 105, This was further aggravated by the continual irrelevant mention of the various printers of our publications. 106, From the title onward, quotations are abundant in the novel, yet they are often either inappropriate or irrelevant. 107, The other differences between these different ways of acquiring true beliefs are irrelevant. 108, On the one hand, the examiner wants to be told nothing that is irrelevant to the question. 109, The budget was widely criticized as being unrealistic and irrelevant to the real needs of the eastern economy. 110, They have accorded it blind respect while considering it totally irrelevant to the real world. 111, It was pathetically inadequate for the poor and totally irrelevant for everyone else. 112, However, in cyberspace, geographical boundaries are irrelevant, and people of different views are thrown together. 113, Secondly, Rutter evidently holds that any behavioural effects of lead are irrelevant to social phenomena, eg juvenile delinquency. 114, And of course in many clerical jobs courage or openness is irrelevant. 115, Men are now recruited into a national labour pool and their home base is largely irrelevant to where they take ships. 116, For years, I tried to fathom the mentality that simply waves off concern about the cost of regulations as irrelevant. 117, It seems that such facts are wholly irrelevant, at least in the standard case of discovery by a party to the action. 118, Whether or not that helps to fill church pews is totally irrelevant. 119, As in the previous example, the historical cost is irrelevant. 120, The pages of the draft speech lay beside him, unattended, unimproved, and now completely irrelevant.