快好知 kuaihz

91. I realized he accepted my suggestion for purely sentimental reasons. 92. On a purely practical level, it is difficult to see how such proposals would work. 93. Getting approval for the plan is a purely formal matter: nobody will seriously oppose it. 94. It's not something I enjoy. I do it purely out of a sense of duty. 95. Michael said that his planned 10-day visit would be a purely private affair. 96. The book is not intended for a purely academic audience. 97. I wasn't asking about anybody in particular-it was a purely hypothetical question. 98. The despatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure. 99. Some nationalists would like to depict the British monarchy as a purely English institution. 100. The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak. 101. She wants to change her job for purely personal reasons . 102. He began to feel he could cope, on a purely superficial level, at least. 103. Since the championship has already been decided, this match is of purely academic interest. 104. Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural philosophy. 105. He wants the job purely for reasons of vanity and ambition. 106. The rockets are a purely defensive measure against nuclear attack. 107. He went to the gym every day, driven purely by narcissism. 108. The term I used was meant to be purely descriptive . 109. From a purely commercial viewpoint, the film was a failure. 110. I keep a bottle of brandy purely for medicinal purposes. 111. Any resemblance to actual persons, places or events is purely coincidental. 112. I keep a bottle of brandy handy - purely for medicinal purposes. 113. If Arthur was attracted here by the prospects of therapy, John came down purely and simply to make money. 114. Such divisions are not, so to speak, purely academic. 115. Our interest was purely perfunctory. 116. The raid was purely retaliatory. 117. But, of course, they must never remain purely abstract. 118. Their friendship remained purely platonic. 119. These are not purely altruistic ventures. 120. At apogee its radial velocity reaches zero, so it once again has a purely horizontal velocity.