快好知 kuaihz

151. Cause of death would have been of purely academic interest to the deceased man's widow. 152. Not only does anxiety feel different, but at a purely neurological level, it is different. 153. Certainly, it was not difficult to convince some patients of the desirability of going to Carville on a purely voluntary basis. 154. Naturally not all the criticism of the massive demolitions in the 1980s was purely aesthetic. 155. Genette's relational strategy leads him to construct purely abstract combinations without any real existence in literature. 156. Schedule 7 is divided into five parts, some of which require information which goes far beyond the purely financial. 157. People want wood shingles on their houses for purely aesthetic reasons. 158. She is entitled to sympathy for a broken marriage which was not purely of her doing. 159. They believe that miscalculations made on the tax forms were purely accidental. 160. The notion that an enzyme might exist in a number of forms decided purely on probability is anathema to many scientists. 161. So for purely practical reasons, microbes were the best route for discovering new antibiotics. 162. It is regarded as a purely natural phenomenon which, by an unusual coincidence, occurs in the walls of their convent. 163. Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition, but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express.Joseph Addison 164. In this sense we are not concerned to produce a book by academics for a purely academic audience. 165. It has an irritatingly small backspace key and I think it has a horrible plastic feel, but this is purely subjective. 166. On a purely practical basis, the paintings in this instance work better than the camera lens. 167. However, this is purely a matter of experimentation and discovering what best suits your method of working.