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(181) A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level. (182) Political union is an essential concomitant of successful economic union. (183) The money raised will go a long way towards providing essential food and medicine. (184) Formal staff appraisal systems are essential. (185) It is not essential to have a written agreement. (186) There was no essential adrenalin flowing. (187) But they successfully made all the essential arrangements. (188) It's all about six essential amino acids, apparently. (189) It is essential for quantum theory that it should be able to annex to itself the triumphs of its predecessor. (190) The above brief account throws into sharp relief the essential differences between the Keynesian and classical theories of labour market adjustment. (191) Learning is an essential part of life - it is a lifelong process of knowing, understanding, thinking and improving.Dr T.P.Chia (192) Secondly, cats must have animal fats in their diets because they are incapable of manufacturing essential fatty acids without them. (193) Writing specifications based on the accepted and approved plans are an essential part of the designer's work. (194) And he gave it for his opinion, "that whoever could make two ears of corn, or two blades of grass, to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essential service to his country, than the whole race of politicians put together.Jonathan Swift (195) It reflected essential drives within aristocratic society towards establishing political jurisdictions in local terms. (196) When it comes to styling, artistic flair and imagination are essential. (197) Before deciding whether to provide for determination by expert rather than by arbitration, it is essential to appreciate the differences between them. (198) It is essential that these countries, too, adopt policies that will help to protect the Ozone Layer. (199) Because of the small difference between therapeutic and toxic levels in the serum, accurate measurements of lithium concentrations are essential. (200) They show not the slightest sign of that one essential attribute we think animal life should have: movement. (201) The essential work of the administrative structure is the implementation of policy. (202) But he advised caution beyond the point of planning permission,[http:///essential.html] because new environmental legislation makes it essential to seek expert advice. (203) A strong background in quantitative analysis, careful attention to detail and an ability to work to tight deadlines are essential skills. (204) Bracing the right leg and hip during the backswing is absolutely essential. (205) The screens are very well laid out which is essential for any database application. (206) It is essential to have good professional advice, and to review the adequacy of your insurance cover from time to time. (207) The essential fatty acids, or EFAs for short, are all polyunsaturated fatty acids, also known as PUFAs. (208) It became essential to obtain an accurate estimate of just how many tigers were left. (209) This is going to be a long and difficult task; difficult, but in my view, absolutely essential. (210) A thorough knowledge of analytical chemistry and experience in chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques is therefore essential.