grammar造句151. Part 2 introduces a new grammar, and includes a functional component.
152. Even this grammar is not able to deal with all sentences, requiring constant improvement and amendments to be made.
153. The 45 grammar schools among them face the additional threat of comprehensive reorganisation, or closure.
154. Essays may be edited for spelling or grammar, and must comply with Herald standards for appropriateness and good taste.
155. To improve the efficiency of the analysis each rule in the grammar is ordered based on its frequency of use.
156. Firstly they enable large systems to be produced yet still retain clarity within the grammar.
157. The purpose of a pedagogical grammar is to teach the student to speak the language.
158. Attention to discourse does not necessarily entail sacrificing the traditional emphasis on pronunciation and writing, grammar and vocabulary.
159. The local grammar school had put too much of a gawky human edge on his son's image.
160. Then, in 1985, followed yet another grammar book - much larger even than GCE.
161. When another student floundered helplessly before some elementary matter of grammar, Sabour handed over his notebook and explained the point.
162. The new comprehensive schools, educationalists complained, seemed to have less social mixing than the old grammar schools had done.
163. Again, traditional teaching has tended to dissociate grammar from context and to deal in isolated sentences.
164. The rewrite rule is an effective method of representing the rules of a generative grammar.
165. In every pedagogical grammar, there should be a plan for systematic revision of previously taught material.
166. Such a suggestion is, of course, entirely consistent with the ideas about the function of grammar as outlined in this chapter.
167. What is crucial for learners to know is how grammar functions in alliance with words and contexts for the achievement of meaning.
168. I was dispatched to the grammar school, which itself had been evacuated from the big city to a small town.
169. Chomsky explains this phenomenon by suggesting that human individuals are innately endowed with a deep structure grammar of language.
170. The ideology of merit had elevated the grammar school above technical schools, technical schools above secondary moderns.
171. For language learning is essentially learning how grammar functions in the achievement of meaning and it is a mistake to suppose otherwise.
172. Part of the grammar used is shown in fig 2.2.
173. I sometimes cycled to Bude Grammar School for the short time I was there.
174. In class structure grammar these -ly adverbs are members of an open set.
175. I shall discuss the role of grammar as a necessary communicative resource in later chapters of this book.
176. Our pupils will, therefore, learn basic grammar as well as developing their communicative skills.
177. Read in studio A grammar school teacher has been charged with indecency and assault offences against young boys.
178. Unhappily, the history taught to our children has suffered the same fate as their mathematics or their grammar.
179. I felt confident reviewing a language with recognizable cognates, familiar rules of grammar, even an alphabet.
180. Selective grammar schools were continuing to produce the best GCSE results.