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271. Its advanced manufacturing center helps local industries adapt to changes in technology and reduce costs. 272. At the same time, shoppers are becoming highly receptive to new technology. 273. I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.Steve Jobs 274. It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.Albert Einstein 275. Materials Technology Division showed significant advances over last year which are particularly gratifying given the management attention focused on this business. 276. Largely made obsolete by V. 32bis technology, V. 32 modems can still offer inexpensive access to on-line services. 277. The younger generation is used to Computer Assisted Learning and other modern technology which is an adjunct to learning. 278. Significant achievements in technology in 1992 are covered later in the individual business reports. 278. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 279. Many of the concepts of systems analysis, useful in management theory as well as in computer technology, spilled over into adjacent areas. 280. This position implies that Apple must create a standard on new advanced technology.