快好知 kuaihz

61, The council is the plaintiff, but it has brought this action to protect the interests of the residents. 62, The district judge must send a copy of the defence to the plaintiff. 63, If it did not, the plaintiff would be adequately compensated by damages. 64, The plaintiff scaffolder was injured when he fell and was not wearing a safety belt. 65, In Jobling, the plaintiff might have been able to claim social security benefits to partially compensate for his losses. 66, The first defendant's report was unfavourable to the plaintiff and it was sent by him to the plaintiff's solicitors. 67, The plaintiff must prove that the defendant fell below the relevant standard of care. 68, In that case, the plaintiff was a professional footballer registered with a league club, Newcastle United. 69, However, he held the plaintiff to be 100% contributorily negligent. 70, Parties Limited companies A plaintiff limited company's registered office must be given in the request for issue of a summons. 71, It was in the light of that breach that the defendants had refused to pay the plaintiff any post-determination commission. 72, The plaintiff moneylenders offered a loan to the son on the security of his parents' property. 73, Only 42 civil suits resulted, with no verdicts in favor of the plaintiff. 74, If the defendant makes a payment into court, the plaintiff may seize it and call quits. 75, It was held that the plaintiff had to show it was more probable than not that the injury was due to faulty manufacture. 76, Was there any contractual duty on the defendants to disclose this material fact to the plaintiff? 77, Moreover, it is now well established that an injured plaintiff can recover for the unpaid services of a friend or relative. 78, The plaintiff suffered from deteriorating eyesight and became almost blind. 79, The plaintiff, being unaware of this exemption, paid dues upon limestone which he had landed and ultimately burnt into lime. 80, Finding herself unable to gain entry the plaintiff obtained an exparte injunction to readmit her to the premises. 81, The defendant was employed as a decorator by the plaintiff. 82, How if at all did the existence of the penalty clause affect the consideration given by the plaintiff? 83, Two of his victims successfully sued him and the plaintiff then tried to recover the damages from the defendant. 84, The plaintiff was an experienced workman employed by the defendant roofing contractors. 85, There was, however, no obligation added to the contractual duties imposed on the plaintiff under the original contract. 86, The evidence showed that the plaintiff would have worn the goggles if he had been firmly instructed to do so and supervised. 87, Can the plaintiff hold out, or can we starve her out? 88, The plaintiff was a pillion passenger on a motor bike driven by the defendant. 89, This could arise if the plaintiff suffered negligently inflicted injuries and then refused to have a blood transfusion because of his religious beliefs. 90, It allows a direct approach by the plaintiff or his agent to the competent local official in that state.