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181, This is unless he exceeds the terms of the licence or the plaintiff has legally revoked the licence. 182, The plaintiff claimed damage to the vocal chords as a result of the operation. 183, If the plaintiff is under a disability the money will remain on deposit until the settlement is approved. 184, The plaintiff was insured under a policy which had been effected by brokers. 185, Damages are awarded to compensate the plaintiff for the injury to his reputation and the hurt to his feelings. 186, This is another case in which the Woolwich principle could readily have been applied in favour of the plaintiff had it existed. 187, Thus an interim payment will be made directly to a legally aided plaintiff. 188, The plaintiff must show that the defendant has turned a blind eye to truth in order to advance an ulterior object. 189, Only in these five cases may the plaintiff sue for slander without having to prove financial loss. 190, The plaintiff, wishing to have monies now and not in two years' time, prudently accepted the settlement figure. 191, On 23 April the second defendant took a letter to the plaintiff containing particulars of this offer by Mr. Perot for Caliban. 192, It must be shown that the plaintiff acted voluntarily in the sense that he could exercise a free choice. 193, These commercial ventures led to many disputes, and Love was extremely litigious, appearing often as a plaintiff in Chancery. 194, The jury found that the agreement was made and returned a verdict for the plaintiff, awarding damages of £500. 195, After enduring serious surgery and two years of resultant pain, the plaintiff made a reasonable recovery. 196, Suppose a plaintiff suffers loss as a result of an illegal administrative decision. 197, Had the plaintiff sued his brother then the action would have failed on the grounds of volenti. 198, Inevitably occasions will also arise when an initial valuation proves over-optimistic, for example where a plaintiff makes an unexpectedly good recovery. 199, Damages are designed not to punish the person in breach but to compensate for the loss sustained by the plaintiff. 200, The onus of proof is on the plaintiff. 201, The jury found for the plaintiff. 202, The plaintiff is seeking remedy through the court. 203, The plaintiff contested the will. 204, Yucun summoned the plaintiff for questioning. 205, The onus of proof is on plaintiff. 206, Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant. 207, The plaintiff had won, but was ruined financially. 208, In simple civil cases, the plaintiff may indict verbally. 209, The plaintiff has no case. 210, By which, the Plaintiff pays membership fee and in exchange, enjoys membership benefit and privilege.