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241, The qualification of the qualified plaintiff shareholder in derivative action is suspectable to be much too strict in some respects. 242, The plaintiff usually begins civil proceedings by asking the court to issue a document. This document is known variously as a summons, a writ or a statement of claim. 243, If the sellers are the plaintiff, arbitration shall take place in Stockholm. 244, Ju: Plaintiff, you talk sense. Bailiffs, take defendant for me. 245, Say according to indictment place, plaintiff public remove furniture was obtained " the masses " registered trade mark discharges him to allow use. 246, The counsel for the plaintiff opposed the defendant's application for an adjournment. 247, In common law any degree of contributory negligence would bar the plaintiff from collecting damages. 248, The relief the plaintiff sought was an injunction and damages. 249, The consecutive statements, allegations, and counterallegations made in turn by plaintiff and defendant, or prosecutor and accused, in a legal proceeding. 250, The plaintiff claimed that under color of law the officer had deprived him of his civil rights. 251, It follows that the title to the lands in question is in the plaintiff. 252, Punitive damages are often requested by a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the defendant for his misconduct, and are awarded with an amount beyond the plaintiffs actual loss. 253, "cases, Roth requires the court to consider whether the plaintiff had a " legitimate claim of entitlement" to the benefit of which she was deprived . 254, The bailiff was in charge of issuing a summons on the plaintiff. 255, Mr. A was counsel for the plaintiff, and Mr. B for the defendant. 256, Objective joinder of causes of action occurs when in an action a plaintiff has more than one cause against a defendant. 257, Case bring by a plaintiff who allege he suffer damage or harm cause by the defendant. 258, The plaintiff was an inexperienced investor who had wished to invest conservatively. 259, Counsel for the plaintiff opposed the defendant's application for an adjournment. 260, The victim, the plaintiff and defender in an incidental civil action and the agents ad litem may, with the permission of the presiding judge, put questions to the defendant. 261, The second part of the paper focus on the Plaintiff of wrongful death compensation and the contents of the wrongful death compensation. 262, The assistant had not deliberately or knowingly misled the plaintiff. 263, The absence of privity of contract between plaintiff and defendant may be fatal. 264, So many procedural problems such as joinder, court compulsory mediation, liquidation procedure connection, and plaintiff expansion, etc. , need to be supplemented in the future. 265, As a rule, victim plaintiff and tortfeasor doubted defendant, but confirming not tort suit changes the roles of two parties. 266, Plaintiff was a 60ish homemaker who was referred to the defendant endodontist because of continued sensitivity following crown placement on a lower premolar tooth. 267, The Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief ? that his membership be reinstated. 268, A simple statement the plaintiff is not necessarily as true the court. 269, To start a civil suit the plaintiff first picks the proper court, one that has jurisdiction in the case. 270, The plaintiff then sends the defendant a statement of claim (which describes the harm he has suffered), and the latter sends the plaintiff a defence.