meantime造句61. In the meantime, Jean is keeping the blanket cupboard well stocked for the winter.
62. In the meantime I enclose a selection of wooden bench designs.
63. In the meantime, I've arranged for her daughter to stay with an aunt.
64. In the meantime, motorists caught speeding through the contraflow can expect to receive a court summons in the post.
65. In the meantime, Pennethorne had been working out the details of his proposals for the Foreign Office.
66. In the meantime we can mark the anniversary of Zeta.
67. But meantime the story is rich in symbolic significance for the travails of our age.
68. In the meantime fundholding practices can use the spare capacity that exists.
69. In the meantime, one might look for the first appearance of a new journal in March Educational Action Research.
70. How much more can you realistically afford to charge in the meantime?
71. In the meantime, what are the natural levels of social grouping for other animal species?
72. In the meantime because he lay so close to them Tom was able to hear and see most of what went on.
73. In the meantime, boil the rice according to the instructions.
74. In the meantime, he suggested local authorities and individual schools might introduce their own schemes.
75. Present value: If you delay paying a bill, you can earn interest on the money in the meantime.
76. She used to wonder where he'd been in the meantime, but not any more.
77. Glaxo, meantime, is selling $ 500 million of 6. 125 percent 10-year bonds.
78. In the meantime, reliable and authoritative sources placed further blame on the Vincennes for the shooting down of the airbus.
79. In the meantime, the Higher Education Funding Council needs to be persuaded to help fund it.
80. In the meantime, Sunny is treated to regular weekly massages,[Sentence dictionary] hairdos and other beautician treatments.
81. In the meantime there is much to be achieved before they too will march off the parade ground as trained servicewomen.
82. As already noted, there are plenty of things we can do in the meantime.
83. In the meantime, new issues were dominating the international agenda, with new possibilities for cooperation between and beyond governments.
84. In the meantime, maybe he would offer him the girl, the lookalike.
85. In the meantime, we have the maps of the referendum results to suggest how we might get to that destination.
86. More exhibits would appear in due course; meantime he did whatever jobs came his way.
87. In the meantime, however, Dole has begun a piecemeal process of tax cutting around the edges.
88. In the meantime he would investigate the matter so he could report his findings to appropriate officials back home.
89. In the meantime, the Medicines Control Agency is closely monitoring the situation.
90. Over the same period, in the meantime, the net worth of half of the population actually declined.