solely造句31, Peace, in other words, depends solely on collective security.
32, Rather, the authority of law rested solely on the fact that it was promulgated by the authorized ruler.
33, They developed no spoken language and communicated solely by gestures.
34, Another type of specialist nurse deals solely with patients who have had a mastectomy.
35, However, it would be a mistake to assume that the behaviour of insects is based solely on instinct.
36, Under the current arrangements, the priorities within open heart surgery are decided solely by the clinicians concerned.
37, One authority supports elderly residents solely in voluntary establishments, whereas the other uses a combination of private and voluntary provision.
38, The computer itself could only be activated by an access code known solely to Bailey.
39, Interestingly, the use of key rings is confined solely to the Roman period.
40, Instead, the information related solely to a forthcoming newspaper column which recommended the shares of particular companies.
41, I could mention the names of several persons whose influence over their flocks was solely attributable to this circumstance.
42, Furthermore, the practice of good dermatology does not depend solely on adequate eyesight and clinical expertise.
43, However, this conclusion was based solely on a comparison of income support levels with supplementary benefit rates.
44, To suggest that all unproductive consumption is solely capitalist personal consumption is to go beyond the bounds of credibility.
45, Clearly, the range of frequencies over which a potential divider constructed solely from resistors acts as a satisfactory attenuator is restricted.
46, She expresses particular concern about the breeding of animals solely for experimental use, including animals with genetic alterations.
47, They were refused admission to a public school attended by white children solely because of their race....
48, Polly looked away, her stomach churning with a nausea that couldn't be blamed solely on hunger or seasickness.
49, All would keep strict hours, their duties consisting solely in the preparation and delivery of their lessons.
50, Might which controls and appropriates solely for self fosters an appetite for even more power.
51, Takla Haymanot of Gojjam, another of John's powerful and ambitious subjects, was also motivated solely by self-interest.
52, Emerson recognized the enemy and recoiled against it, pleading that the nation be rebuilt solely on the rights of man.
53, In Los Angeles, a doctor was terminated from a health care plan based solely on a business and financial management analysis.
54, Will my right hon. Friend give me a categorical assurance that that order was decided solely on price?
55, Charles Tekeyan believed that this feeling is solely a matter of continued excellence in the flesh.
56, Interestingly, this reliance on state funding is not confined solely to industry.
57, For years the company was known solely for its main product, consumer credit reports.
58, The development of biocontrol systems is, however, not solely dependent on the use of GMOs.
59, They formed a partnership solely to enter the competition, and did no other work together.
60, What would be the effect if the tax were levied solely on wage income?