快好知 kuaihz

181, "This would be the first practical, roadworthy car that could run on solely renewable energy, " he said. 182, Furniture was such a successful aspect of the business that IKEA became solely a furniture company in 1951. 183, Liu Mou says to others: "The son of our alcalde is likely, do not th ink over he can use water of right leg hold up solely, actually their foot simultaneously hold up, more in high spirits." 184, No solely foreign-funded human resources intermediary service agency shall be established for the present time. 185, I remember one chill day's evening chow that consisted solely of warmed-over boiled potatoes, gummy macaroni, and milk that had been kept next to something less tasty in the refrigerator. 186, The control effect of the mixed use of V. lecanii and pesticides on L. erysimi was better than that of solely using conidium liquid and diluted chemical pesticides. 187, Too many analysts work solely in abstract model-land with limited constraints to drive their analysis. 188, Notice that some of the discussion will also be pertinent to cases where you have text, comments, and processing instructions as siblings of elements, but this discussion focuses solely on elements. 189, The above video was shot solely from the Teide National Park on Tenerife in the Canary Islands of Spain, off the north west coast of Africa. 190, Instead of estimating jerkiness based solely on frame rate or motion activity, the number of consecutive dropped frames forms a basic estimation unit. 191, The actual computation example shows that the optimal sampling frequency locations are found to be independent of the system response, and solely depend on the nature of the excitation. 192, Institutional ratio: The ratio between Bank subscriptions authorized solely in general capital increases and IMF quotas obtained solely from general quota increases. 193, The flower solely grows out from a patch of gravel, not the soil of the grassy field, which brings feelings of unyieldingness and loneliness to me. 194, Home-made bread smells of something more than bread, and home-baked potato smelled the solely taste of potato: earthy and baked. 195, Article 2: For the purposes of these Provisions, the term "money market Fund" means a Fund that invests solely in money market instruments. 196, As the ideograph system monitored solely by the writer, fictional craft has managed to retain its marked features in the popular culture market. 197, Black box testing is executed without technical knowledge of the underlying code and performed solely by executing the compiled application. 198, But make no mistake: This cannot solely be America's endeavor. 199, Many seem to regard human rights solely in terms of the guarantees they afford us as individuals: underwriting, as it were, the moral and cultural solipsism of the "me generation". 200, Your bank balance depends entirely on your salary but your happiness balance depends solely on you. 201, Treatment solely on the basis of symptoms should only be considered when a parasitological diagnosis is not possible. 202, If road construction goes on solely at night more truck traffic will take place during the day, further slowing their commutes. 203, Her target was solely the marranos, "converts" who were suspected of still practising their "heathen rites" under the cloak of Catholic piety. 204, This conviction was based solely on the atomic nature of radioactivity. 205, They are not due solely to a cyclical downturn in growth but to long-term commitments such as pensions, Social Security and health care. 206, The carrier, shipowner, charterer or master will deliver the goods at the port of destination not solely to the named consignee, but to any person designated by him. 207, Normally the choice accuses high power thyratron to regard the semiconductor that controls this kind of tall voltage and electric current as component solely. 208, For many animals, the sex of an individual is dictated solely by its chromosomes. But for small alpine lizards, gender isn’t so cut-and-dried. 209, Actually, with the collapse of the country, local people survive solely by fishing and deer hunting. 210, In doing this he trusted solely to 'instinctive guidance, ' as he called it, and not to any hints or clews obtained through the senses.