solely造句91, We are told that irresponsible women get pregnant solely to reinforce their gender identity.
92, Some people perceive moving together solely as a method for guides and their parties, and ignore it completely.
93, First, most balance theorists do not hold that governments are motivated solely by the acquisition and exercise of power.
94, A special period should be set aside solely for the purpose of carrying out an inspection.
95, A small cluster of national agencies exists solely to service the local federations and their programs.
96, Firstly, it is time to accept that television viewers are now totally multi-channel orientated, no longer staying with one channel solely.
97, Convection occurs when too much heat is present at depth to be conveyed upwards solely by thermal conduction.
98, The professional also learns quickly not to rely solely upon personal qualities and a limited collection of instructional materials.
99, IIb produces only luxury goods which are consumed solely by the capitalists.
100, It is justified solely as an adjunct to the legislative process.
101, Even the guides solely dedicated un shopping are feeling the strain.
102, Concern is that a development district would create an independent government that could be controlled solely by a private developer.
103, Whereas the endangered species listing is determined solely upon scientific data, economics play a role in deciding critical habitat.
104, He says Harwell has now expanded from dealing solely with the field of nuclear physics.
105, We want them to emerge solely as a result of cumulative selection of random mutations.
106, While at Stanford, Wender interned for various community organizations and realized there were few services solely for disadvantaged or in-crisis children.
107, Despite being so ubiquitous, until now they've been solely a male preserve.
108, When the cause of deafness is not solely in the outer and/or middle ear, high frequencies are likely to be affected.
109, To observe searching behaviour solely at the catalogue may provide a distorted picture of the task in hand.
110, The latter is established partly because of the expertise it can develop, and this expertise is not related solely to fact finding.
111, Some lawmakers want to repeal that measure and order the Fed to focus solely on fighting inflation.
112, You will be choosing the organization and then selling yourself to them, rather than relying solely upon answering newspaper advertisements.
113, Placido Domingo will release an album that deals solely with the topics of losing your job and your girl.
114, In an economic system coordinated solely by markets there is no guarantee that what is produced can be sold.
115, Budgetary procedure Prior to 1975, power over the budget was vested solely in the Council of Ministers.
116, Simply implementing the Directive by means of a statutory instrument would result in yet another regime relating solely to consumer contracts.
117, Understanding is not conveyed solely through clear diction but has a lot to do with the language used.
118, In the Hayekian view justice is solely to do with the rules of the game.
119, The problem of time in primary classrooms does not arise solely from external pressures.
120, The Revenue has also indicated that past years will not be re-examined solely as a result of the decision.