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91, In general, the longer the chain, the less stable the interacting web to environmental disruption. 92, It's easy to spend hours just browsing the web without really finding anything. 93, Under the agreement, Verio will provide its leading Web hosting and e-commerce services to on-line merchants. 94, The subordinates acknowledged that some conflicts would inevitably arise, no matter how well the manager maintained the web of relationships. 95, Claudio was easily caught in her web of coquetry and lies. 96, Chapter 3 described the web of relationships of pre-colonial societies in which kinship was the prime determinant of obligation and responsibility. 97, Perhaps the most authoritative Web site in the Stern universe is the one carefully maintained by Kevin Renzulli. 98, Internet bottlenecks and overloaded servers at popular Web sites can still create substantial delays. 99, Web server functions can be categorized into information retrieval, data and transaction management, and security. 100, It has also received accolades for conforming to the W3C's Web standards, unlike its Windows equivalent. 101, It is being incorporated into the World Wide Web browsers such as NetScape, giving it a wider audience. 102, Describing himself as a history buff, Acosta offers his Web site primarily as a catalyst for further discussion. 103, The best-known example is Java, a programming language from Sun Microsystems that can bring web pages to life. 104, One refers to the page that appears when you start your browser and acts as your home base for exploring the Web. 105, Do I need special software to dial into and use the Web? 106, It burst on to the scene just as the Information Superhighway and World Wide Web were becoming household words. 107, This is accomplished in the Web by using a core browser or application that is augmented by supporting applications. 108, The findings from these interpretations will be communicated to and developed with the relevant communities through consultations, workshops and the web. 109, The folks at the Discovery Channel are making the best effort at pioneering original content for the Web. 110, The Web has become an umbrella for a wide range of concepts and technologies that differ markedly in purpose and scope. 111, Rotary press a web or reel fed printing press which uses a curved printing plate mounted on the plate cylinder. 112, The duty officer at the Cabinet Office Briefing Room was at the centre of a web of information technology. 113, When you surf to a new Web page, you have no idea ahead of time whether it contains a Java program. 114, Though many are accessible through a Web interface, the better ones are generally one clients. 115, The Web community of developers and users is tackling these complex problems. 116, Others are conducting their discussions on World Wide Web sites devoted to particular topics. 117, When a user browses the Web, objects are retrieved in rapid succession from often widely dispersed servers. 118, For instance, the network will begin by offering a Web site to play computer games. 119, Approximately 53 % of total revenues were attributable to Web hosting and other enhanced services. 120, Owners' Network hopes to make money by selling advertising space on the Web pages.