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181, All you have to do is start up your Web browser. 182, The web design strain after simple, characteristic, and elaborative. 183, An experimental study of flutter instability of H-shaped slender member with different sizes of slotted web is carried out using both section models and aeroelastic model. 184, I am looking for a web designer to build a BASIC group buying website that consists of the usual features of a site like Groupon or Daily Deals. 185, So go easy on the rel nofollows or you might break the web. 186, Because there may be multiple classes defined in the Web service code, you must select only one of them as an interface to the Web service. 187, Web based tender system to source, award and manage the total procurement process. Leverages supply and demand, through reverse auction, ensuring that goods are bought at the best possible price. 188, Most often this involved a segment of a girder web. 189, In this paper author deals with anchors - gunite - web shoring's mechanism and its effecting factor. 190, Deckle : A device for fixing the width of a paper-making machine's web . It was originally the movable wooden frame on the hand-mould used for paper making . 191, The potential for remote sites and users to utilize "thin client" technologies like Citrix, Windows Terminal Server (WTS), or Web clients. 192, JavaScript is an incredibly powerful tool, and for too long it was a corruptive force on the web. 193, As more and more corporations are jumping onto the web service bandwagon, researchers forecast that web services will provide more than just a single-ended process. 194, These developers, unfamiliar with the intricacies of Web services technology and development, rely on tools for most of the service code implementation. 195, And here is an interesting thing - social web tools encourage and facilitate self-organization. 196, The JOTI Web Site acts as a coordination center to locate safe Chat areas, E-mail addresses and activities proposed by other groups. 197, For the IBC Web site, we needed to show a summary list of announcements and the most recent entries in the forum. 198, The HTTP server task (the Domino Web server) must be running on the server where the mail file resides. 199, Click Profile in the top header on the Live homepage. In the Web Activities section in the left side-bar, you can add and manage your feeds. 200, The space between the 2 parts since feel pots is filled web sent wet sand. 201, And in this volume of stories presented here, he tries to draw the young gunslinger , Roland Deschain himself, into his deadly web and convince him of the inevitability of his cause. 202, Web switches intercept all traffic destined for a particular site. 203, The priority value specifies the importance of that page relative to that Web site only. 204, This paper establishes the model of web service choreography based on concurrent transaction logic and the translation rules from WSCDL to concurrent transaction logic are given. 205, Welcome to Castrol Dongfeng Lubricants Co. , Ltd. web site, I hope it is helpful for your business, work, and life. 206, Wrapped Document/Literal pattern provides highly interoperable web service design and has been accepted in the service provider community as a de facto standard while defining the Web Services. 207, The project key must be globally unique if DOAP descriptions are to be shared on the Web. 208, A new way of design and implementation of familial intelligent device based on WEB are presented in this paper. 209, It just takes you on a shuffle through the web to interesting sites. 210, This can change, however, if you become more proactive in applying experimental design tenets to your Web data collection procedures (such as, randomize the selection of voters in your Web polls).