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121, Anyone with experience as a Web page designer can easily get a job. 122, She found the finest clay, built a web of wires to spread it on, and sat breathless at her bench. 123, Another way to profit is to charge others to advertise on your Web page. 124, Construction Plus is a series of community-focused web portals initially targeting architects, civil engineers and construction contractors. 125, Read me Search engines Use a search engine when you're looking for specific mention of something on a Web page. 126, Focalink of Palo Alto aims to provide advertisers with demographic profiles of people who visit various Web sites. 127, There are a couple of disadvantages to Web based organisers. 128, Set in San Diego, the play examines the tangled web woven by those who conceal certain truths from others. 129, You can read a detailed description of the products on their Web site. 130, A group of cartoonists got fed up when the Web site where they were posting their work PigPanda.com -- kept going down. 131, The usefulness of most Web sites is directly proportional to the benefits it offers to the people who visit it. 132, In short, the Web provides a totally different and unique method of accessing information. 133, "Web police" are often able to determine the exact source of unwanted mailings on the Internet. 134, The international sector Our economy is deeply enmeshed in a complex web of economic relationships with the rest of the world. 134,try its best to collect and build good sentences. 135, Over time, doubleclick. net Web servers learn your browsing habits and preferences. 136, So Monnens decided to try to bridge the gap between advertisers and Web sites. 137, Electronic publishers are racing each other to meet demand for local information on the Web and to capture local ad dollars. 138, They built hub-and-spoke route systems based on a few large airports, rather than a web of direct, non-stop flights. 139, Forms make Web browsing an interactive process for the user and the provider. 140, I've also used my web site to make a number of resources available for the wider community. 141, A: Cookies are one of the more mysterious features of browsing the World Wide Web. 142, He carried his books over his shoulder, tied together in a green web belt with brass buckle. 143, Many companies use Intranets to distribute internal documents-in effect publishing Web pages for their own private use. 144, Were she on the World Wide Web, my mom would bookmark this page. 145, By examining the cookie, Web sites can take note of what other sites you have visited. 146, Acrobat is used by corporations to publish documents like annual reports and catalogs on the Web. 147, The missive points out that the Web is getting faster and easier to use, giving people more access to multimedia creativity. 148, You're merely searching a database of Web pages located on the search engine's server. 149, Initial offerings, available today at www.gateway-hosting.com, include a complete range of web hosting and domain name registration services. 150, Verio also offers selected enhanced services such as Web hosting, electronic commerce and virtual private networks.