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31. The formidable challenge for progressive bishops and theologians who dominated the Second Vatican Council was to formulate a compelling alternative. 32. These men advanced the same arguments against Holy Trinity that conservative theologians employed against the progressive Church. 33. They act as a complement to his large works which are responses to a progressive environmental catastrophe. 34. These companies pay lip-service to management development, fashioning their big progressive mouths with a cosmetic of highly developed lipstick techniques. 35. How, in that case, could late 1960s progressive rock be specific to the counterculture? 36. Yeltsin is taking shots from Communists, ultranationalists and even the progressive democrats who used to be his allies. 37. The idea is to cause progressive damage to the cancer cells, while allowing the normal cells to recuperate. 38. It dramatized the challenge of trying to pose as a progressive leader while maintaining a profiteering, corrupt political organization. 39. Winnetka is blessed with a long history of progressive education. 40. But how different and progressive are these NGO-managed health centres? 41. Human nature and human achievements have come to appear far more ambiguous than the progressive hopes of the nineteenth century admitted. 42. Income tax is a progressive tax because higher earners pay a higher proportion of their income in this tax than lower earners. 43. Given the progressive nature of taxation, the proportion of earnings paid in direct taxation varies. 43.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 44. The Progressive Democrats said his comments amounted to a charge of perjury against their leader. 45. Although there are many types of dementia they can generally be defined as involving progressive and irreversible brain failure. 46. This model promoted the assumption that evolution is based on a progressive trend with the human race as its goal. 47. The critical question was: Why has life undergone this progressive development in the course of time? 48. A look at some examples of the so-called progressive rock of the mid - and late 1960s may clarify this question. 49. The progressive form follows a steady pattern of worsening symptoms and disability without periods of remission. 50. Mr McDowell is also chairman of the Progressive Democrat party. 51. We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.C.S. Lewis 52. My argument is that state capitalism of the kind outlined above would be a highly progressive development. 53. It was agreed that all transmission of film material will be in a progressive scan format from launch of services. 54. Several deletion mutants were prepared by exploiting singular restriction sites in the cDNA to enable progressive sequencing. 55. She spoke frequently in the Debating Society in favour of progressive causes such as abortion, animal rights, state education and nuclear disarmament. 56. Real disposable incomes of partners-adjusted for inflation and progressive income taxation-have stabilised. 57. Suppose such a party were to win, like the Progressive Democrats in 1987,11.8% of the first-preference votes. 58. Their inclusion in the non-progressive category does not influence the main conclusion that deficits are highest in monitoring patients with progressive disorders. 59. He was viewed by critics as being secretive, arrogant and aloof, but supporters described him as progressive and effective. 60. The first effort at campaign finance reform was a product of the progressive era almost a century ago.