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151. Unilateral progressive sensorineural hearing loss, vertigo or imbalance, and tinnitus are common symptoms of meningiomas of cerebellopontine angle. 152. After being weaned for about 1 week, the swinery showed progressive emaciation, slow growth, declining food intake, irregular hair coat and poor spirit. 153. Our understanding project human resources management comprehensively and newly, provide a new ideas for effective project management. This paper adopt a progressive logic relations to demonstrate . 154. But Taiwan's pro - independence opposition Democratic Progressive Party has opposed a comprehensive economic pact. 155. Taxes can be further categorised as proportional, progressive or regressive. 156. The net result will be a progressive convergence of nations to a declining per capita emission rate. 157. Her poetry tells a progressive, perceptive and broad-minded Li Qing - zhao who is not inferior to any man. 158. Child-centered education began with Rousseau and Pestalozzi. It was developed further in the United States by John Dewey. In the United States it was called progressive education.