快好知 kuaihz

121. Study on the progressive aspect of English verbs from cognitive prospective can be analyzed from direct situation and indirect situation. 122. In Democratic Progressive Party to be very flat, the counter - flat standpoint different initiation serious internal strife. 123. Performance characteristic and stress condition were analyzed in the process of progressive cavity pump well startup and a startup torque dynamic model was established. 124. First, supporting these means sanctioning redistribution, as they are funded by a progressive tax system. 125. The article firstly introduces the previous studies of verb classification by temporal features, and then discusses the different type verbs and their expression of progressive aspect. 126. When Pereira Ignacio passed on this count, too (he had studied at Cornell, entertained progressive views on labor relations), a formal bottler's agreement was finally signed. 127. Timed game play, with progressive scoring based on how quickly you work through levels. 128. The first part introduces the selection between the proportional tax rate and the progressive tax rate. 129. Progressive taxation is logical because the wealthy pay more tax. 130. The attitudinal past and progressive aspect in English, when used in sentences of requests and proposals, may have functions of flexibility and politeness. 131. Democratic Progressive Party members are seen protesting outside the Taipei District Court July 31 , 2007. 132. However, he developed progressive cachexia, withdrew from hemodialysis and subsequently died. 133. This progressive detailing of the project management plan is often called "rolling wave planning, "indicating that planning is an iterative and ongoing process(see Figure 3-7). 134. SGM is fit for the prediction of ultimate bearing capacity of progressive failure piles. 135. Also speaks regarding Bian Cai Yingwen to lead Progressive Party with method , Cai Yingwen directly counter - attacks. 136. In the East the progressive revolt had a more decidedly urban complexion. 137. The density of the synthetic fiber is progressive structured by the clean air way with higher filter efficiency and longer working life. 138. My friend , Crawley , has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane's radical Progressive Party. 139. Later, the performing arts with innovative, progressive increase in the band accompaniment, while dance and sing. 140. PNHP believes this program should be financed by truly progressive taxation. 141. Challenges against patriarchal - feudalism came from progressive intellectuals in the wake of the Reform Movement of 1898. 142. Generally speaking, a progressive income tax may cut down labor supply and reduce a laborer's real income. 143. The paper introduces how to use multi station progressive die with high precision to manufacture stator core and rotor core of square stepping dynamotor . 144. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a very rare, progressive neurological disorder. 145. The opposition Progressive Party ( DPP ) has planned a large - scale rally in Taipei Saturday against the deal. 146. Methods. A 45-year-old patient who was previously well presented with back pain and rapidly progressive paraparesis. 147. By means of progressive regression method, a mathematical model of the air hammer was developed. 148. There exists two contrary cultures in N: the stagnate culture and the progressive culture. 149. That is the progressive aspect which we will look at tomorrow. 150. Shi Zhengfeng said that in Democratic Progressive Party's clique struggles is also very obvious.