快好知 kuaihz

31) For a discussion of biology and sexual politics, see chapter 4. 32) How I hated biology ! Hearing the bell ring at the end of the lesson was music to my ears! 33) He's mad about his biology teacher, but it's only puppy - love. 34) This is another piece in the jigsaw that will help us understand the biology of cancer. 35) The sum total of my knowledge of biology is not impressive. 36) We had to dissect a worm and a frog in our biology practical today. 37) The college aims to be a world centre of excellence in the field of marine biology. 38) We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson. 39) An A-level pass in Biology is preferred for all courses. 40) Molecular biology is pushing medicine into a new age . 41) I have a biology question for you - I gather you're something of an expert. 41)try its best to collect and build good sentences. 42) Her school report shows that she is weak at/in arithmetic and biology. 43) The first prize for Biology went to the youngest child in the class. 44) I couldn't touch the first question in the biology paper. 45) The gender division is reducible to biology. 46) It meant rewriting the dogma of molecular biology. 47) The study concentrated on physics, not biology, Adams emphasized. 48) Medicine, biology and chemistry showed a similar pattern. 49) One of these is its uneasy relationship with biology. 50) She wants to go to university to study biology. 51) I had chemistry and biology in high school. 52) But the reality of biology is much more complicated. 53) I liked biology a lot more amoebas and vertebrae. 54) Are molecular biology and physical chemistry nature? 55) National Socialism is nothing more than applied biology. 56) Evolutionary biology provides good confirmation of moral judgements. 57) Well, they are trying to cheat on their biology. 58) Increasing intolerance for transgressions against the rule of biology. 59) Participants debated sensitive questions about biology, race and science. 60) Here was clear exposition of the biology involved.