快好知 kuaihz

121) It was finished, obviously, and he had to take consolation in the fine line be-tween biology and spirit. 122) After being enrolled at the university at the age of seventeen, Freud studied physiology, biology and anatomy. 123) Forty percent of biology teachers in rural Kansas describe themselves as creationists; the number drops in urban areas. 124) But if we give up the second belief, then we do not think we are deluded by biology. 125) Our research was on teaching pupils practical skills in Biology and Physics. 126) Indeed the most dramatic example of mass extinction known to biology has been caused by the introduction of an alien species. 127) The few men who teach biology, math and chemistry are all married except Mr Milligan. 128) It has given people, primarily women, an unprecedented degree of influence over their biology, and their lives. 129) She is redoing her A-levels in chemistry, physics and biology in the sixth form of a London girls' school. 130) The one I mostly chat to is the biology teacher. 131) Biology even promised to control world fertility with the Pill. 132) Overall. the biology of the Chesapeake was clearly of an intricacy beyond present comprehension. 133) Hey, look on the bright side, at least it gives them a head start for their biology GCSEs. 134) It was my interest in gardens that led me to study biology. 135) Another change within the last 200 years is in the field of reproductive biology. 136) Later discoveries about genetics, molecular biology, population dynamics and behaviour have given it new dimensions. 137) It's a striking example of the explanatory power of modern biology. 138) Feminists are also realizing that a rejection of biology can, paradoxically, increase the influence of biological determinism. 139) But nature is no respecter of rights, and around 10 % of the population has had this right compromised by biology. 140) No one can say that implacable biology ordains failure, that gay social organization is fixed, promiscuous, and doomed. 141) Darwin's integration of evolutionary and physiological biology had been attempted, in the 1840s, through pangenesis. 142) Thus, for example, biology or food science could represent science, and geography or history could represent social studies. 143) This is the key principle of modern biology, as described by Charles Darwin in the mid-nineteenth century. 144) In many ways, this highly sophisticated research does increase our understanding of human biology. 145) Biopsychological theories tend to assimilate differences between men, and, even more pronouncedly, between women, to biology. 146) These are matters well known to everybody, with the details easily available in any basic biology book. 147) At the centre of Piaget's theory lie a number of basic concepts that owe a great deal to his interest in biology. 148) Advances in molecular biology in recent years have served to emphasize the possible relationships between homoeopathy, immunology and genetics. 149) Consideration of some of the routine day to day techniques of molecular biology allows this to be illustrated. 150) Without an advocacy stage few general theories in biology would ever have arisen.