快好知 kuaihz

151) Unfortunately the book was completed too soon to reflect the enormous impact of fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry on biology. 152) The couple have a 21-year-old daughter, Michelle, who is studying maths and biology at York University. 153) A biology student with a stutter now occupied the back room. 154) Undoubtedly, information theory has its uses in molecular biology, in particular by giving insights into the way genes code for proteins. 155) Huxley as a popularizer of Darwin and as a teacher of biology emphasized rather different aspects of science. 156) But one aspect which is new springs from the advances which have been made in molecular biology. 157) Without both elements, evolutionary computing will struggle to have sufficient power to emulate the success of biology. 158) Approximately 70 relatives and friends have made the trip from Pittsburgh to watch this grad student in biology chase her dream. 159) Cohn Tudge: Thus began one of the most fruitful working partnerships in modern biology. 160) This true type, having found her man, was forced to accept that biology was indeed destiny. 161) But it also allows the traditional power biology has within psychology to reassert itself within them. 162) But the avant-garde has found support for its imaginative approach from such sciences as biology. 163) Biology seems to be the foundation of social obligation most obviously in the case of parents and children. 164) Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose. 165) The rise of the eugenics movement in the early twentieth century crystallized the intellectual and political imperatives of evolutionary biology. 166) During the years when the elephant jibe was rife, microbial genetics was at the forefront of molecular biology. 167) Human biology could rule out long stays aboard a space station. 168) Erasmus Darwin published his Zoonomia in 1794, which was partly a medical textbook, partly a treatise in biology. 169) Chemistry and physical chemistry laboratories will later be supplemented by biology and pharmaceutical technology laboratories. 170) It so happened that the last person I asked, over coffee in his room, was the biology master. 171) Hamilton has a habit of being at the right place in biology at the right time. 172) Nothing seemed impossible; the whole of biology was about to become transparent to this wondrous new science. 173) It meant nothing less than rewriting the dogma of molecular biology, almost a redefining of the meaning of life itself. 174) It may appear that male and female students are polarized on the basis of biology. 175) In the final analysis, conflicting molecular data sets can be judged by considering the biology of the considered organisms. 176) Nevertheless, Bakker has contributed enormously to our understanding of dinosaur biology. 177) It is because human societies pursue values that their study falls within the province of history rather than biology. 178) Thus, it became the first self to be born outside of biology. 179) Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming. 180) The theory of evolution by natural selection reached out far beyond biology, and therein lies its significance.