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(91) Until recently, such wavelengths have been ignored because neutral hydrogen absorbs it in the same way fog absorbs visible light. (92) The ease with which the supposedly neutral prosecutorial apparatus is manipulated should give us all pause. (93) This, in turn, offended some others who were still neutral about him. (94) Bogart and Bergman had loved one another years before, and in neutral Casablanca discover that their passion is unabated. (95) Even the most seemingly neutral model has in reality strong ideological orientations. (96) One implication of the neutral theory is that we can use molecular changes as a kind of clock to measure evolutionary events. (97) This informality is not simply neutral - the open ended product of a free association - but is directed against the formal. (98) Because the welfare state is not neutral with respect to gender equality, it also takes sides on the question of language. (99) A neutral head of proved ability who would command the confidence of the Nation is hard to find. (100) But opera is politically neutral and the Khabarovsk opera house was vacant most of the time. (101) If so, the principles of neutral political concern are at least primafacie valid. (102) The Army's preference to appear neutral was severely undermined by its role during the Loyalist marching season of 1970. (103) But the bad news is the engine will not start or run when it's down, even in neutral. (104) Neutral colors in their cubicles would soothe them, while sharp, vibrant colors would energize them in the public areas. (105) But they are also a zingy accent in a neutral room. (106) The Rationalist views the mind as a finely tempered, neutral instrument and never doubts the authority and power of reason. (107) They change the angle of attack from acute within the central delta, to near neutral over the outer triangular sail panel. (108) It is best cultivated in soft,[http:///neutral.html] moderately acid or neutral water and is the most suitable species for aquariums and terrariums. (109) Although there were additional conditions in the Heuer and Reisberg study the interesting comparison is between the arousal and neutral conditions. (110) The water is crystal clear and slow moving, usually neutral or a little acid. (111) Water condition: Very indifferent to water hardness, but prefers a slightly acid to neutral condition. (112) Lee cited the symposium as one neutral forum in recent years. (113) One neutral viewpoint is to consider formally the relative advantages and limitations of men and machines. (114) We join an organization feeling relatively neutral about an external group of competitors but within months regard them as malevolent enemies. (115) In some societies it might be possible, indeed usual, to be neutral about cats. (116) Negative ions pass through a membrane containing positive ions more easily than through one that is neutral or negatively charged. (117) They produce neutral mucin and develop into a new small gland. (118) This new weak current had also to be electrically charged because in beta decay the neutral neutron turns into a positive proton. (119) Consultants can get round this problem by acting as a neutral third party. (120) He simply nodded his head and made some neutral comment.