快好知 kuaihz

(211) This amounts to encouraging outsourcing, by taking a neutral position on who provides services. (212) The role chosen by the teacher here is as neutral as possible, to avoid confrontation, effectively a messenger. (213) It is important that all limbs are fully supported in a neutral position while the patient is anaesthetized. (214) Water condition: Soft water with slightly acid to neutral condition. (215) When investing in a new kitchen, most people still go for easy-on-the-eye neutral shades, pure whites and sophisticated greys. (216) The army, however, is hardly a neutral arbiter. (217) However, the country of origin effects of those unfitting product concepts did not lead to brand dilution like the brand name of neutral descriptive. (218) The results indicate that the practical values of this kind of neutral degreaser, including: low cost, environment protecting, and evidential effects of degreasing. (219) In a 3-phase, 4-wire, Y-connected generator, line-to-neutral voltage is the voltage between a phase and the common neutral where the three phases are tied together. (220) Made of neutral glass, produces no injurants while contacting with acid or alkalescent. (221) BI's ongoing policy tightening cycle and the government's favorable fiscal-consolidation policies are being played out against a neutral macro-dynamic (of above-trend growth but external deficit). (222) Ab initio calculations have been performed for both the neutral form and zwitterion of imidazol1ylacetic acid in the gas phase and in aqueous solution(using SCRF model). (223) A general equation for determining the neutral axis in partially prestressed concrete T or I Section beams with tension and compression reinforcement is presented in this paper. (224) Results:Contact area gained its maximal value in the neutral position and smaller values in any other position. (225) The anomalous megnetic property of neutral Co 6 Te 8 cluster is investigated by DVM - Xa calculation of molecular orbitals. (226) In COD test experiment, we of unknown samples on the base of LM - BP neutral network model. (227) The article introduces voltage unbalance of neutral non-grounding system, analyzes the cause of voltage unbalance. It is valuable on fault analysis in practice. (228) There are several factors affecting neutral grounded transformers, among then, ground potential rise is most important. (229) In the fully plastic condition, the neutral axis does not necessarily pass through the centroid. (230) The neutral stability curves and the character parameters are given, including the temporal and spatial growth rate, the critical wave number, the maximum wave number and the wave celerity. (231) In this paper, the influence of normal forces on bending damage of rectangular beam is studied, and the deviations of neutral axis and the damage limit curves are calculated and discussed. (232) The effect on the relationship between the contents of neutral aroma components and the amount of cow dung in the field under common measure were researched. (233) SEB, at the same time, is shifting its hedge fund allocation away from long/short in favour of a market neutral strategy to give a portfolio a degree of protection. (234) And to suit the present reality, the neutral rights of maritime trade should be revised. (235) This is particularly the case for the third harmonic, which causes a sharp increase in the zero sequence current, and therefore increases the current in the neutral conductor. (236) US markets are closed for Memorial Day, but European stock closed today flat to neutral, with investors keeping out of the way in thin market volume. (237) A forecast model for short-term water consumption in municipal water supply networks was established by the combined method of wavelet decomposition and Artificial Neutral Network(ANN). (238) We obtain sufficient conditions for the oscillation of all solutions of the nonlinear even order neutral functional differential equation with continuous distributed delay. (239) Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride(ASA)using as neutral paper sizing could change the result and capability of application with traditional rosin as acidic paper sizing agent in our country. (240) "Basque has a free order of words, but something we linguists call neutral or canonical order exists, i.e. that which requires less effort from the brain", she explained.