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(151) Even Calvin Klein adds color, albeit pale, to his usually neutral palette. (152) More neutral tones are advised in the more modern home as that will allow the widest choice of complementary furnishings and decoration. (153) Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.Theodore Roosevelt (154) Vowels move towards a neutral form when used in naturally flowing sentences. (155) As an outside observer drawn into the Statementing process by the professionals involved, I had a neutral but not disinterested role. (156) What if language is not a neutral system capable of objective description and analysis? (157) Because different groups have different values and understandings of right and wrong, the state would have to be neutral between them. (158) So current cognitive models of language, memory, perception and so forth are also basically neutral to the question of consciousness. (159) You can stay a long time in neutral, ticking over - provided nothing happens. (160) This explains the neutral look on the faces of people in the streets. (161) His opponent was dancing about in a neutral corner, one eye on his quarry. (162) Gin is produced by the rectification of neutral spirits with premium quality botanicals in traditional copper pot stills. (163) Some nationwide systems of Bolshevik political control are examined in the next chapter, whereas here more neutral communications networks are studied. (164) These theories attempt to be neutral between rival conceptions of the good. (165) Most basic of all are lexical units which become operative in minimal, or neutral, contexts. (166) He determined the amount of neutral gas lying in front of Beta Canis Majoris and in front of 10 other stars in a similar direction. (167) Cameron and the school district sit down with a neutral third person to negotiate an agreement that both sides find acceptable. (168) Neutral atoms enter this cloud rather than Io's torus because they are not influenced by magnetic forces whereas charged particles are. (169) Neutral, euphemistic, alliterative, you distanced yourself from the idea of neighbours killing each other. (170) He described his proposals for the coming year as neutral because he did not want to hamper recovery. (171) The tax should be fiscally neutral, that is, offset by tax cuts in other areas. (172) For he who thinks to remain neutral is above all a sceptic. (173) Similarly, high electrical charges should also exert a gravitational effect towards neutral matter. (174) There is no neutral, objective, external criterion for reality or rationality. (175) Some patients had voiced initial apprehension about their continuing to receive medication, but most were thought to be neutral about fundholding. (176) Dante wrote that the hottest room in hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral dilemma. (177) Is politics generally to be neutral between conceptions of the good, or does neutrality apply to the constitution only? (178) Many therapists took a neutral stance on the issue rather than trying to save marriages. (179) If a neutral event occurs within this time-window then it loses its neutrality. (180) Or you could plant blocks of distinct colours, divided by a neutral foliage plant.