快好知 kuaihz

91. The implementation of the legislation was delayed to enable some of them to acquire qualifications. 92. It merely reflects the implementation of a programme laid down much earlier. 93. The initiation and implementation of economic development projects also provides government with opportunities to gain political support from a diverse constituency. 94. Some of the current issues in the implementation of care management are considered. 95. It is tempting, but completely illegitimate, to slide from analysis of the production of official solutions to their implementation. 96. Such an analysis is so extensive that life moves on before the implementation is complete. 97. The second area in which Aldus have improved the handling of long documents is in the implementation of style sheets. 98. The main activity supported by the Club is the implementation of neural applications. 99. Even the more straight forward implementation systems tend to involve a complex organizational structure. 100. Implementation next year will save considerable administrative effort at head office. 101. An Apple Mac implementation will follow by the middle of 1993 and an Open Look edition by the third quarter. 102. A clear timetable for the implementation of new city programs is lacking. 103. If the question of control shifts from project planning to implementation, however, the federal role appears to be greater. 104. Activities i. Develop, evaluate, and assist in the implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases. 105. She later backed off that statement, but state attorneys are still working out the details for implementation of the law. 106. Although these reforms have been pursued, their implementation has been hampered by economic problems and the war. 107. For many, local government and the voluntary service sector concerns about the reality of community care implementation featured highly. 108. Gane and Sarson suggest that the techniques can be used to specify the system design and help in the implementation process. 109. Furthermore, the implementation of some conceptions of the good is incompatible with the principles of justice and is ruled out altogether. 110. Thirdly, the first year of implementation presents problems as a basis for evaluation. 111. It follows that policies for rural housing do not consider the social implications which might result from their implementation. 112. Now sadder but wiser, we are prepared to admit that the implementation of curriculum change is a complicated business. 113. Shortly after the First World War tentative steps towards the implementation of a monopoly policy were being considered. 114. Designed for senior college management it dealt with the design and implementation of internal quality assurance systems for colleges. 115. Community plans, future urbanizing area plans, suburban cities' general plans are nearly all written and waiting for implementation. 116. The implementation of section 39 is an operational matter for the chief constable. 117. De Gaulle's notes to Peyrefitte, mentioned above, indicate dissatisfaction with the implementation of the state broadcasting policy. 118. The user group with an inherently greater potential for implementation is the more privileged section of the society. 119. Legal requirements need to be considered during the implementation of electronic documentation systems to ensure legal security. 10.2. 120. Written and verbal communication between the plant management and Hanes management about the results of the implementation increases.