快好知 kuaihz

121. The tax was scrapped the following year because of public opposition and implementation problems. 122. There is inevitably a transition period after the implementation of any major piece of legislation. 123. The role of the marketing mix is to move objectives and plans into the reality of implementation and achievement. 124. The implementation of such policies depends critically on the refereeing of research proposals and the operation of grant-awarding committees. 125. Section heads can be questioned about performance, objectives and so on. 3 Implementation of ministers' decisions arising from stage 2. 126. A program plan should be developed with those involved in its implementation and should specify how the desired results will be achieved. 127. It is important that every effort is made to ensure that the implementation of schemes is non-problematic and successful. 128. This enables the design phase to gather pace before the hardware is ready for implementation. 129. Their goal is to advance both hardware implementation and learning algorithms. 130. The process of implementation had a large role in determining the ultimate outcomes. 131. Congress began on March 24 its debate on the plan, whose implementation would require several amendments of the 1988 constitution. 132. Centralization of authority within the parties was seen as the major obstacle to the implementation of their demands. 133. In fact the only new development is that the implementation of the peace plan has been brought to a standstill. 134. It is perhaps not surprising that such an interpretation should come to the fore in the implementation of normalisation. 135. Leaving the peasants in the dark From multi-sectoral operational components to the cross-cultural implementation of paradigm shifts. 136. The letter called for implementation of constitutional guarantees, freedom and justice, and criticized the government's handling of the economy. 137. We will follow the process of search, formulation and implementation of technological change. 138. It would be unrealistic therefore to see implementation as an event but more as an ongoing process of experimentation and development. 139. This project accordingly plans to formalise and devise a computational implementation of Fodor-Sperber-Wilson assumptions about language and language processing. 140. Bureaucracies do not simply enter the policy-making process at the stage of implementation. 141. These various forms of differentiation within the bureaucracy are vital in the understanding of the formulation and implementation of conservation programmes. 142. Every failing that we pointed out has since proved to exist: those failings have emerged every year since its implementation. 143. In the case of local politics, should this mean more than just the local implementation of national policy? 144. However, before we look at specific implementation schemes, we want to introduce a few terms to use in making comparisons. 145. We acknowledge that political compromise may indeed explain the typical process surrounding the implementation of major change in most organizations. 146. Full implementation of the directive, however, would not of itself meet all the accounting requirements of credit institutions. 147. The initial results from this implementation show it to be effective in many cases, but rather counter-productive in others. 148. A further important consequence was the more rapid implementation of planned petrochemical projects in response to sharp rises in oil production and oil prices. 149. Case-detection through antenatal screening may have logistic, financial, and manpower impediments to implementation but it remains the favoured strategy. 150. Perhaps its wider implementation in early pregnancy should be an aim of all obstetric departments.