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241. The Chinese Government has always been firmly dedicated to promoting the Middle East peace process, pushing for the implementation of the Road Map and supporting the Arab Peace Initiative. 242. This article introduces thd implementation of general sic standards of imported products in NAMC. 243. The implementation of brand strategy is an inevitable approach for the development of academic periodicals in the homo-quality competition. 244. The external dimension is focused on the implementation process and its consequences and effects of measurement institution used in social life brought about by the impact of effects of measurement. 245. Paging is actually a very normal part of what AIX 7 does, due to the tight integration of its kernel with the VMM and its implementation of demand paging. 246. Examination of services' implementation will reveal that direct reach of any part of the system is allowed without adhering to any architectural structure. 247. The exploration and construction of all kinds of industrial parks had profound influence on local economic growth, urbanize promotion and implementation of the strategy for sustainable development. 248. These concerns led me to suggest a different course in the lead-up to the implementation of the no-fly zone. 249. This paper introduces the Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) implementation in fixed - point DSP TMS 320 C 5402. 250. While there is no programmatic problem with hard-coding the properties within your application, doing so makes your application dependent on the particular implementation you've hard-coded it for. 251. The achievement of such a role requires a set of well-established system of government procurement policy, including the location, organization, implementation and coordination of policies. 252. The implementation method of TTCAN dynamic scheduling algorithm is proposed in this paper. 253. Hence, if you are going to spend $1 million on license and maintenance over a 36-month period, then you should budget an additional $2 million for implementation costs. 254. The form of chaotic attractor as well as the performance of phase space location modulation are analysed. The system model and implementation is also described. 255. The criterion possesses the features of simple configuration and excellent adaptability. Because of its easy implementation it is a practicable method for out-of-step protection. 256. The structure of fuzzy pattern recognition system, its design and implementation are emphasized with an example. 257. The hardware resource required for parallel Viterbi decoding shows an exponential increase with the increase of constraint length of convolutional code, which limits its hardware implementation. 258. The implementation of HAMMA includes adaptive mesh generation, node displacement computation and element motion compensation. 259. Is cross - server implementation the way you are going to lessen Battleground queues then? 260. Except for module scoped implementation, for the rest three the SCA runtime will prevent concurrent execution of methods on an instance of that implementation. 261. The GUID is an implementation by Microsoft of a standard called Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), specified by the Open Software Foundation (OSF). 262. This paper discusses the data parallel algorithm and its implementation on region growing image segmentation, the correctness is proved, and the performance is also analyzed. 263. Tariff quota concessions will be implemented according to the date specified in the "implementation" column. 264. User interfaces should be based on user mental models rather than implementation models. 265. In project cost management, the implementation of the responsibility cost management and integrated project contract system are the effective measures for project cost management. 266. This paper also studied the implementation technique , system framework , industry chains , running mode and payment method of mobile payment. 267. Miredo is an open-source (GPL) user-space teredo implementation for linux and BSD. 268. Conclusion: The early synthesis intervention implementation to the premature infant, may prevent the high bilirubinemia sickness occurrence and reduce the high bilirubinemia sickness degree. 269. Besides documenting an organization's current affairs, a business-level sequence diagram can be used as a requirements document to communicate requirements for a future system implementation. 270. Cost control of the project is that the cost management starts from the construction tender price until the completion of the project, throughout the total implementation of the project.