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181, This week in our series, we discuss the presidency of William Henry Harrison. 182, Following the disclosure of his controversial past when he was running for the Austrian presidency, Waldheim was banned by the U. S. government from visiting the United States. 183, This wave of violence comes at a testing time for Mr Sarkozy 's six - month - old presidency. 184, The presidency is difficult enough to run at the best of times, without installing a former first lady and an ex-president in the vice-president's residence. 185, Since my 2008 campaign for the presidency I have often been asked, “How would a constitutionalist president go about dismantling the welfare-warfare state and restoring a constitutional republic?” 186, The term was made popular by Warren Harding, campaigning for America's presidency in the wake of the first world war. 187, Prior to winning the presidency, Clinton had been the long-time Arkansas governor and his wife, Hilary Rodham Clinton, a partner in the state's largest law firm. 188, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has detailed the results of his six-month EU presidency in a final address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg. 189, Few White House staffers are as important to the success of a presidency as the chief speechwriter and his or her deputies. 190, Such befuddlement has been a feature of his presidency, which began in 2006. Disgruntled administrators lament that "only a handful of people" ever know what is going on. 191, The ad suggests that if Obama wins the presidency and the Democrats have enough members to invoke cloture, the Democratic president’s proposals could pass through the Senate with minimal debate. 192, ON AUGUST 28th, barring some dark manoeuvre by seething Clintonistas, Barack Obama will accept the Democratic nomination for the presidency. 193, He catalogs Jimmy Carter's Sisyphean struggle to make energy independence a central issue during his presidency. The effort, Mr. 194, "It was notclear, following the American Revolution and Articles of Confederation, that the presidency would work, " saysRutgers Universityhistorian David Greenberg. 195, Moreover, Ms Merkel showed during her own EU presidency last year a deftness for compromise that is lacking in either Mr Sarkozy or Mr Brown. 196, Millard Fillmore's rise to the presidency reads like a Horatio Alger tale. 197, The five-course banquet was the first in Mr Bush's presidency to demand a white tie dress code. 198, His "psychodrama" argument blossomed into a full-scale criticism of the Clinton Presidency. 199, The American presidency is Hillary Clinton's to lose. But that doesn't make her a shoo-in just yet. 200, As wife of the 36th president, Lyndon Baines Johnson,[http:///presidency.html] her well-organized and vigorous support of important causes made her an indispensable asset to his presidency. 201, This week in our series, we talk about the presidency of Franklin Pierce. 202, So the weak part decide to nominate him for presidency, even though no one knew where he stood on issues. 203, By its very nature, the presidency involves a lot of on-the-job training. 204, At his press conference in Bucharest Mr Putin was asked how he felt about giving up the presidency next month (to become prime minister). "There is nothing to be sorry about. 205, This week, President Bush sent Congress the final budget of his presidency.