快好知 kuaihz

121, Often local craftsmen and women exhibit their talents, such as spinning, corn-dolly making and weaving. 122, It's very difficult to describe sounds, but the humbuckers fitted to this guitar exhibit real tone. 123, The exhibit will display pictures from his trek across Siberia. 124, In general, the examples exhibit behaviors that are more characteristic of people than of conventional computers. 125, This is reflected in the exhibit itself, which is a bit cluttered, but then, so is urban design. 126, One hundred years later there were 722 varieties of gooseberries and 171 gooseberry shows at which to exhibit them. 127, These are learned from others in the group who already exhibit these characteristics. 128, I sometimes think that artists could well exhibit a few sketches along with the actual picture. 129, Visitors travel through the exhibit on a wooden walkway similar to the wood and rope bridges in adventure movies. 130, Most of the other booths in the exhibit hall advertised pharmaceutical drugs. 131, A sample of these present-value factors is presented in Exhibit 11. 3. 132, Networks that exhibit the same terminal behaviour as some device, system or more complicated network are naturally known as equivalent circuits. 133, These samples might then exhibit almost perfect first order phase changes at the melting temperature. 134, It is, of course, perfectly possible for a sentence to exhibit semantic and grammatical deviance simultaneously: 7. 135, Nitrogen mustards in suitable doses damage only cells and tissues which normally exhibit relatively high rates of proliferation and growth. 136, She painted less and, without Quinn's encouragement, she was less eager to exhibit. 137, The ability of V domain dimerization to exhibit a degree of structural fluidity has previously been noted. 138, Cataloged below are some traits I believe a networked-based economy would exhibit: Distributed CoresThe boundaries of a company blur to obscurity. 139, The texts show typical maps of the sensory strip and the motor strip, but patients exhibit a lot of variability. 140, Seeing these fish grow larger and exhibit adult colouration is the next stage of enjoyment. 141, They point out that bottom-up statistical methods are efficient from a computational point of view, but exhibit poor error correcting capabilities. 142, Typical failures exhibit a thin layer of wood covering the glued surface. 143, There was little doubt among those concerned that through education youth could be made to exhibit the appropriate values. 144, Examples have been widely attested of learners who exhibit correct performance on certain forms, and then lapse into deviance later on. 145, Local artists and craftspeople exhibit their work, discuss and demonstrate their skills in the Manor and its beautiful surroundings. 146, Watercolours of a very delicate or atmospheric style will exhibit greater subtlety when painted on Hot Pressed surfaces. 147, Today the team is exploring how best to exhibit their findings. 148, The m-derived section is arranged to exhibit the same characteristic impedance and critical frequency or frequencies as the prototype. 149, Many of the squatter settlements exhibit high levels of social organisation and stability rather than marginal characteristics. 150, While so many documentary-makers seem chiefly eager to exhibit their punditry, he appeared as a genuine seeker after knowledge.