快好知 kuaihz

181, Those visiting the current exhibit will learn that black churches and their leaders played key roles in local history. 182, Exhibit continues through September 3 at the museum, 2021 N.. Kinney Road. 183, Manet was irritated with his friends Monet and Degas when they decided to exhibit elsewhere than the official Salon. 184, We now exhibit the same symptoms of the same disease, the loss of myth. 185, The exhibit continues until April 30, open from 10 a. m to 5 p. m., Tuesday through Saturday. 186, Law students tend to become more concerned with matters of proper procedure and exhibit an increased tendency to reason by analogy. 187, Maryvonne wondered when I again complained about feeling like a walking museum exhibit on modern Western life. 188, I would be grateful if you would examine Exhibit A. Do you recognise it? 189, Inner city initiatives exhibit a similar bias against local government. 190, The fish within a typical marine community tank fish collection are also likely to exhibit a wide range of feeding modes. 191, These modes exhibit a behaviour of ever-increasing frequency as the Cauchy horizon is approached. 191, Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 192, They do not exhibit the semantic indeterminacy characteristic of poetic metaphors. 193, You can still catch the exhibit... just make a visit before November 1. 194, Volcanic lines and clusters also exhibit patterning at the regional and local scale with both radial and rectilinear arrangements being found. 195, The degree show gives them a chance to exhibit their work publicly in central London. 196, It is very unlikely that future generations will exhibit this particular demographic characteristic. 197, Parameters and are in fact dimensionless while and respectively exhibit impedance and admittance dimensions. 198, Exhibit A is the US Food and Drug Administration. 199, It is a remarkable exhibit of revolutionary kitsch. 200, All of these cells exhibit motility . 201, Exhibit the prehistory , culture history, and natural sciences. 202, What line of products do you intend to exhibit? 203, They suddenly exhibit a striking new trait. 204, Put it in the minute book as an exhibit. 205, Proverbs exhibit most of the stylistic devices of poetry. 206, The substance is then said to exhibit hysteresis. 207, Exhibit dinosaur skeletons, fossil and the Jurassic Period. 208, The Natural History Museum has an exhibit on archaeology. 209, Exhibit: woodworking machinery and furniture manufacture trade periodical. 210, Refer to Meeting Notice for detailed information of meeting reception, accommodation, and exhibit consign.