exhibit造句61, Soon hundreds were camping out in the empty Casino and the closed exhibit halls where they kindled small fires to keep warm.
62, The exhibit runs through January, with an opening reception from 7 to 10 tonight.
63, Less deliberately structured groupings can exhibit similar patterns of socialisation, too.
64, Stranger still, this particular exhibit is presented without a trace of irony.
65, Williamson would stand as Exhibit A for changed external conditions.
66, In such cases, the two sections often exhibit markedly different levels of variability.
67, Yet other species exhibit variation patterns that defy analysis of the sophistication of present-day biology.
68, Exhibit A, above, is clearly a shoddy effort created with crayons bearing no resemblance to Victoria.
69, Both criminal law and contract exhibit a tendency to convert such presumptions into irrebuttable rules of law.
70, The exhibit runs through February 16 at the center, south of the pedestrian underpass on Speedway, east of Park Avenue.
71, The dinosaur exhibit is pretty neat with lots of info about each period.
72, The exhibit runs through the holidays, with an opening reception from 2 to 5 p. m. Saturday, November 30.
73, But all three novels also exhibit significant variations on parody as it has been practised in the past.
74, Moreover, students in colleges encompass a wide age range and exhibit very varying academic abilities and communication skills.
75, The primary exhibit area will focus on the Turnbull Colony.
76, This delineation of labourism is ideal-typical; in practice it could exhibit contradictory tendencies.
77, He sat on a throne outside the lion exhibit and wore an incongruous plastic gold crown.
78, Chlorinated phenols: Phenol agents are generally unsuitable for food use as they exhibit high odour characteristics and other undesirable effects.
79, Exhibit 7. 7 presents the finished product-the cash budget for May through December 1998.
80, Some exhibit elsewhere, work to other commissions or produce high-quality joinery.
81, Entrance fees to the exhibit have been reduced for the time being.
82, The exhibit features 20 color and 10 black-and-white photos shot between 1959 and 1971.
83, We caught a temporary exhibit on the bola tie, which happens to have originated in Wickenburg.
84, His exhibit will travel to San Jose after closing here May 5.
85, Exhibit A in defense of the caveman. I only wish Becker had taken questions from the audience.
86, The spirits thus exhibit a praiseworthy concern for the psychological health of the community.
87, An exhibit of seven altars created by Bay Area artists and community groups. $ 3 to $ 5.
88, In general, novels of this type are well researched and exhibit a relatively high quality of writing.
89, Many women workers exhibit labour market characteristics traditionally associated with vulnerability to unemployment.
90, These two levels of classification exhibit two quite different sorts of clustering.