evolution造句31, This evolution needs to be carefully cultivated.
32, But evolution never starts from a clean drawing board.
33, Any change came through slow imperceptible evolution.
34, Evolution had reached its peak and was going backwards.
35, The evolution of the colonial revolution.
36, But it's also part of inevitable human evolution.
37, The genetic theory postulates two modes of evolution.
38, The differences are the direct result of evolution.
39, This shuffling around of genes greatly complicates the analysis of evolution.
40, Every AIDS patient is a monument to the theory of evolution.
41, They fit the animal's information-gathering equipment to particular problems and, presumably, they have been subject to natural selection during evolution.
42, This kind of difference in detail is very characteristic of convergent evolution, as we have seen.
43, This suggests the occurrence during primate evolution of a previously undescribed pericentric inversion subsequent to the cluster duplication.
44, This ability to live off poor vegetation is likely to have been crucial in the evolution of the mountain goat.
45, The parallel between biological and cultural evolution breaks down at the point of transmission.
46, The trend through evolution, however, has been towards an increase in size and complexity.
47, Let us examine the evolution of animal husbandry in the light of these three great, if harsh, truths.
48, Inpart Marx say this task as paralleling what had been done by Darwin for biological evolution.
49, Even though Darwinian evolution is represented as a competitive process, the outcome has often been that animals ended up working with each other.
50, Because all animals must compete with their relatives, evolution favours things that differ from one another.
51, Comparative analysis suggests that there has been a considerable amount of divergence of evolution in the cortices of different mammalian lines.
52, We will, within the next fifty years, be able to seize control of our own evolution.
53, To find the evolution of the system in time, we simply follow the arrows.
54, Another problem, related in that reality is ignored, concerns the appropriate use of sources for understanding cultural evolution.
55, Life therefore became a form of chemical interaction, with replicators able to change gradually through the mechanics of evolution.
56, Deplorable though that seems, such acts help to understand the evolution of behaviour.
57, His approach has undoubtedly helped a lot of people to understand the complexities of biological evolution.
58, Natural selection, the cumulative development of more efficient replicators in a competitive situation, is certainly an important factor in evolution.
59, She makes her evolution, from neutral to fully committed, a credible, touching experience.
60, Discussion Portal hypertension usually complicates the evolution of chronic liver diseases.