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121, Neither found Darwin's detailed theory of adaptive evolution very useful. 122, The morphologists' interpretation of evolution invoked adaptation only in the most abstract way. 123, In this environment, all evolution, including the evolution of manufactured entities, is coevolution. 124, Parker was applying Herbert Spencer's law of social evolution and the current devotion to organization to the denomination. 125, Yet they did have an important influence on the evolution of bargaining structure and the characteristic form which it assumed. 126, This organism could reveal much about the evolution of early life on Earth. 127, The environment has been created as a result of natural evolution plus man's interference. 128, In real-life evolution there is nothing that corresponds to steering towards some distant genetic target. 129, In my opinion, this empty disputation will eventually take its place with the many other myths of human evolution. 130, Evolution became a ladder rather than a tree, a linear sequence of stages through which life had advanced towards the human form. 131, Each, in its disproportionate way, affirms the truth of evolution. 132, First, I want to discuss whether there is any way in which we can estimate how long is required for evolution. 133, Yet the whole history of evolution seems superbly well designed to lead to the existence of consciousness. 134, But evolution ploughed on remorselessly, enabling only the most adaptable to go on to the next stage. 135, If Darwin were alive today, he would surely place mankind as the prime mover in global evolution. 136, The evolution of the comic book continued on its varied path, developing new ideas and throwing up new characters. 137, Historically it has been convenient to explore them as an evolution from the works of Euclid. 138, A much earlier development than the biblical canon was the evolution of the threefold ministry of bishop, presbyter,[http:///evolution.html] and deacon. 139, Cultural and social anthropology was then concerned with the evolution of human society and culture. 140, There is little direct connection, because many early ecologists were not interested in evolution. 141, The Journal last year accelerated its evolution from national business daily to global one. 142, Only by involving every group in the evolution of these structures can problems be avoided. 143, He proposed that, therefore, Darwinian evolution is primarily about changes in the genes. 144, It is but a short step from this to natural selection and evolution in the laboratory. 145, Astronomy and Astrophysics Modern astrophysics studies the formation, structure and evolution of stars and galaxies and of the Universe itself. 146, Why should biblical scholarship, which is pertinent to so many lives, be thus immune to evolution and development? 147, The education committee of the Ohio legislature has been considering a bill requiring evidence against evolution to also be taught. 148, Who has analysed and solved this problem - evolution, or the bees themselves? 149, Neither biological nor cultural evolution is any guarantee that we are inevitably moving towards a better world. 150, Will there not be a continuity of evolution implied, in contradiction to our postulated discontinuous collapse?