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61, It is now possible to summarize the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution. 62, Sit back as you go on a five billion year journey through the evolution of life - all in twelve minutes! 63, Evolution of ordered categorical data in each group was assessed by the Wilcoxon rank sum test. 64, Punch played a central role in the evolution of satirical humour and in creating opportunities for the cartoonist and the illustrator. 65, When these combine they open up a new range of possibilities on which Darwinian evolution can act. 66, Non- violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.Thomas A. Edison 67, The new departure was in part due to the constitutional evolution of federalism achieved during the New Deal. 68, The eighteenth century was thus a period of slow evolution rather than radical change in military affairs. 69, There are other examples of cultural evolution in birds and monkeys, but these are just interesting oddities. 70, The eclipse of electricity as a means of propulsion has been one of the more curious facets of the evolution of transport. 71, Therefore individuals need to possess personalities conformable to the ambient level of cultural evolution. 72, As insects battle to improve a feeble design, evolution does its best, but that best is not very impressive. 73, For millions of years of human evolution, male eroticism has focused on fertile women. 74, But science has good answers to these challenges to the theory of evolution. 75, The end result of evolution through man's desire was to produce a sexually mature wolf pup. 76, Scopes was forbidden to teach Darwin's theory of evolution, but he defied the law. 77, Contrary to popular myth Darwin was not thunderstruck by the theory of evolution during his voyage on the Beagle. 78, Smith knew nothing of the idea of organic evolution that Charles Darwin was to enunciate some decades later. 79, Human cultures can change rapidly because cultural innovation is infinitely faster than biological evolution. 80, Another popular misconception of Darwinian evolution is that its products must be genetically determined because their inheritance depends on genes. 81, Neither method is entirely satisfactory since apparently homologous muscles may change their sites of attachment during evolution and alter their functions. 82, In Earth's case it developed a secondary atmosphere through organic evolution,[Sentence dictionary] say supporters of the Gaian hypothesis. 83, The forces which drive technological development have a close parallel in biological evolution. 84, Evolving software mimics biological evolution with collections of programs competing with each other to see which performs the task best. 85, At the same time, it is proposed to assess the degree of correlation between economic and social developments and political evolution. 86, For, contrary to earlier prejudices, there is nothing inherently progressive about evolution. 87, The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones. 88, General evolution takes place when the broader context itself changes, a process that is both unintentional and willed. 89, No wonder his theory of evolution remains, today, a visceral point of contention. 90, A new academic journal, Fashion Theory, hopes to document and analyze such moments in the evolution of the style industry.