快好知 kuaihz

come on造句
91. Come on, Jo. Loosen up. 92. Come on. Let's hear it - the whole enchilada. 93. Come on, get the pill down. 94. Come on, we're late - get in the car. 95. Come on, Timmy, act like a big boy now. 96. Come on, keep at it, you've nearly finished! 97. "Come on in," she said cheerily. 98. Oh come on, use your nut ! 99. Come on, lazybones! Get out of bed. 100. Come on - where's your sense of adventure? 101. Come on, drink up your juice. 102. Come on, Bob, share the joke . 103. Come on Mary, let's dance! 104. Come on, you're not playing fair. 105. Come on, you guys, let's get going! 106. The street lights were just beginning to come on. 107. Come on, we'll be late for the theatre. 108. Come on, you lot, hurry up! 109. Come on! It's time we made a start. 110. Set the oven to come on at six. 111. Can you/are you able to come on Saturday? 112. A new model has come on the market. 113. Come on, sup up your tea. 114. Come on everyone, let's give Tommy a clap. 115. Come on, eat up, there's a good girl. 116. Come on now, that's asking for the impossible. 117. Come on, time's running short ! 118. I've set the oven to come on at five. 119. Come on kiddo, let's go. 120. Where do birds come on the evolutionary scale?